Firmware7 - Why it's not the same for me?

I am a new Axe FX owner, among the many frequenting this forum today. I updated to 7.0 and the new banks last night. I immediately heard the additional noise on higher gain presets when playing my Strat. I thought my cable was bad but noticed clean, lower gain presets were great. I will definitely try some of the recommendations posted here.
I am a new Axe FX owner, among the many frequenting this forum today. I updated to 7.0 and the new banks last night. I immediately heard the additional noise on higher gain presets when playing my Strat. I thought my cable was bad but noticed clean, lower gain presets were great. I will definitely try some of the recommendations posted here.

It's realism, the good and the bad.

Adjust your input gate.
If you reset the TYPE by changing it to another amp and changing it back it changes all of the ADVANCED amp parameters but not the basic knobs on the front panel.

If you double click bypass to reset the whole block it resets EVERYTHING but leaves the TYPE value unchanged.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not near my axe now)
But the bass, mid, treb, gain etc knobs on the default presets don't have all the "basic" knobs at 12 o'clock right? And double clicking bypass resets all the tone knobs and gain to noon.
If I'm messing with a default preset how do I reset it to the original settings?
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not near my axe now)
But the bass, mid, treb, gain etc knobs on the default presets don't have all the "basic" knobs at 12 o'clock right? And double clicking bypass resets all the tone knobs and gain to noon.
If I'm messing with a default preset how do I reset it to the original settings?

1. yes
2. yes
3. scroll up or down a preset to reload it OR use the front panel to retrieve an effect, and select the patch number you are on
I'm hoping we can get to a place where we get models that model the good without the bad. The bad being the noise.
These aren't the amps in question, they, hopefully can evolve beyond the defects as they are built with a different goal. I write code but know nothing about signal modeling so I don't know if this is a realistic goal or not. I dislike gates in general and try hard to keep their use minimal.

This is not slagging anyone or piling on, I see the realism vs impossible perfection as a tug of war between ideals and you probably can't have it all. I can envision a day where Cliff gives us a slider from pristine but "unrealistic" to max realistic but crackly.

As we move forward I'd love to a couple of the AF created amps, untethered by the need to emulate, play that "best of both worlds" role. Some of the amps already do IMHO.
If you reset the TYPE by changing it to another amp and changing it back it changes all of the ADVANCED amp parameters but not the basic knobs on the front panel.

If you double click bypass to reset the whole block it resets EVERYTHING but leaves the TYPE value unchanged.

Okay, that makes sense. I was being LAZY and ASSUMED that nothing changed, but I was only looking at the first tab, where all the TMB controls were the same.

So, change TYPE only resets ADVANCED PARAMETERS

Double click "BYPASS" on front panel resets ALL PARAMETERS
I tried the Bypass method and things seem to be fine now, although presets in general sound better today. I am not sure if just turning the system off for a prolonged period of time helped or if I was being overly sensitive last night due to exhaustion. Whatever the case, I greatly appreciate the advice!
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