Firmware update

Usually the standard firmware is released the next day, but the bug in 9.01 probably slowed it down a bit. I'm betting it'll be released tomorrow at the latest.

Aren't you glad the Ultra owners beta-test the firmware for you?
murfthesurf said:
Is there going to be a 9.01 or 9.02 firmware update for the Standard, and if so, when.
Aaaaaaahhhh the many perks of purchasing an Ultra.

You may have to call Cliff directly and demand to know when the firmware will be released... and while you have him on the phone demand to know when the MFC-101 and Axe-Edit will be released... oh... and Also, demand to know when the Axe-fx Ultra II will be released... get back to us with that info!!!! ;) :D
PlaysARobin said:
Mo just got added to cliff's hit list. Ninjas are going to appear out of his axe-fx and show him who's boss
I hope it's these kind of ninjas!!!

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