Bug? Firmware 4.0


Power User
All my presets have this sort of heart beat (lub dub) sound continuing on and on when I finish playing notes. Have reproduced this on multiple factory presets, and presets that Ive bought from vendors. Tried turning effects on and off but it does not seem to work. It's like this trailing lub dub sound after you play something and then mute with your hand. I was playing with my DT770 headphones. Will try to reproduce with my IEMs and iLoud Micro Monitors when I get the chance.
All my presets have this sort of heart beat (lub dub) sound continuing on and on when I finish playing notes. Have reproduced this on multiple factory presets, and presets that Ive bought from vendors. Tried turning effects on and off but it does not seem to work. It's like this trailing lub dub sound after you play something and then mute with your hand. I was playing with my DT770 headphones. Will try to reproduce with my IEMs and iLoud Micro Monitors when I get the chance.
This sort of thing often happens as a result of the input gate. Try turning it off and see if it goes away.

Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 6.40.50 PM.png
I'm not sure what "lub dub" sounds like (it would really help if you posted a clip of the sound), but by any chance does the sound happen in time with your Tempo LED?
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I'm not sure what "lub dub" sounds like (it would really help if you posted a clip of the sound), but by any chance does the sound happen in time with your Temp :ED?
Have you ever listened to a heart rate? It’s that bum bum, bum bum, bum bum. They call it lub dub. I just started toying with reaper so I’ll see if I can get a sound clip up from multiple presets. But what is Temp:ED?
So it’s two different sounds, repeating one after the other, with a limping cadence?

Tempo LED. Damned autocorrect.
I’d say they’re not different sounds. I literally thought I was having palpitations and could hear my heart beat with the head phones on lmao. I didn’t check my tempo LED, I did notice if a preset had a compressor on, the compressor would recognize the sounds and compressor line would move. So would my input meter
I’d say they’re not different sounds. I literally thought I was having palpitations and could hear my heart beat with the head phones on lmao. I didn’t check my tempo LED, I did notice if a preset had a compressor on, the compressor would recognize the sounds and compressor line would move. So would my input meter
If my stomach growls when I’m working on a preset with a lot of gain I’ll hear it through the headphones. Guitar pickups can be very sensitive.
If my stomach growls when I’m working on a preset with a lot of gain I’ll hear it through the headphones. Guitar pickups can be very sensitive.
lol I wouldn’t doubt that at all. Also the heart uses electricity to beat. But I really don’t think it was that since I wasn’t having palpitations or anything. No high heart rate or anything. It was just a thought because the sound was so similar but I’m 99% sure it wasn’t that
Interesting I will try that. How does the input gate do that if the gate is supposed to suppress unnecessary noise?
The gate suppresses noise by turning down the input level, and it does it in a way that goes up and down when it's at the edge. I ran into this when holding notes until they ran to zero. You can very much hear the gate engage in a not-smooth way. Possibly due to the random nature of noise.
I’d say they’re not different sounds. I literally thought I was having palpitations and could hear my heart beat with the head phones on lmao. I didn’t check my tempo LED, I did notice if a preset had a compressor on, the compressor would recognize the sounds and compressor line would move. So would my input meter
Check the Tempo LED.
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