Firmware 19 - Bulb Cab Pack Metal


Hey guys!

I finally installed Firmware 19 and tested the Bulb Cab Pack. Dialed in the "ML Misha Mix 01 USA Bulb" Cab and tweaked it a little bit, to record something. Lazy like I was, I played some riff from Bulb, he posted some time ago. It's called Hgh gain Test clip.
Melody is a bit different, but who cares :p. Was just for fun and see how good these Cabs translate into my mixes.

Drums are "The Metal Machine".
Bass is Trillian VST.
Guitar is a Mayones Regius 7 string with bare knuckle's Juggernaut Pickups.

Tell me what you think.
Great stuff!!

Could you detail a bit on how you mix that metal machine??

It took me a long time to get them where I wanted them.
Most of all it's a choice of plugins! Equalizers and compressors.
Usuaaly I do all the mixing in my DAW, no processing in Superior Drummer.
I route all the drum channels to seperate BUS-Subgroups. That would be:

Never mix the drums alone....always record some guitar and bass to it, to hear the whole thing and get an idea, of what frequencies you want to kill for other instruments to cut through or boost.
The mighty rule for that really is "trust your ears".
I am mixing on a pair of monitors, but for specific things in the lower region, like finding the sweet spot for the rhythmgroup (bassdrum, bass, rhytm git), I use my Audiotechnica Studio Headpones.
If I'm not happy enough with the results, I try to analyze frequencies with a technique called "mid side monoizing". Here's a good tutorial, that explains it very well:

Just don't do the biggest mistake and overcompress everything! Everything needs room, otherwise it will very fast start to sound "digital".
Talking about digital, I am using a lot of analogue plugins to get that "missing analogue touch". I prefer using Waves plugins, like the VQ3, VQ4 or the Kramer Tape. It's always a question of taste and I think some people prefer different ones but I tried a lot of plugins and I can get the best results with these.
I always wanted to do a complete mixing tutorial, but I just don't know how :D. Also I am german and my spoken english is not the best, so excuse me for this :/.
If you have specific questions, feel free to ask!

Excellent preset for myself I'm still his modified, replaced amplifier Das Metal to Engle, was a lot of fun, thank you so much !!!
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