FF IRs: Capturing, using, blending, etc.

Scott (and everybody else) - Please don't get me wrong, I believe the AFXll has a *brilliant* future ahead because of it's unmatched digital processing potential as well as Cliff's *serious* programming prowess. I just know there must be something the Kemper fans are hearing that is different and possibly more natural-sounding in the final response. The AFXll is a *Keeper*!
IIRC Cliff said in another thread that the Kemper's IR part of the profile has only 256-point - and that's why it could get away with a less powerful DSP.
This really has me thinking that the Cab is the key to realistic amp sounds

From following the forum and just from listening, this to me is why lots of folks were happy with the power amp sims and cab sims off using a tube power amp and guitar cab. The power amp modeling and cab IR's were the weakest link.

But now, with the AxeFx II's capability, and the new power amp modeling etc., the weakest link is just the cab IR's.

So yeah, we need a whole library of FF IR's the quality of Jay's!

I'm curious - if the AFXll ever gets an 'EQ matching' feature, what will it be matching/copying? The Kemper has the sound of the live miked amp to match, but how would that work with the AFX?
I'm curious - if the AFXll ever gets an 'EQ matching' feature, what will it be matching/copying? The Kemper has the sound of the live miked amp to match, but how would that work with the AFX?

The difference between what is output and whatever you input. There are multiple threads on it's application on this forum - use the search to see...
I'm curious - if the AFXll ever gets an 'EQ matching' feature, what will it be matching/copying? The Kemper has the sound of the live miked amp to match, but how would that work with the AFX?

As per some other threads on using a DAW to create a matchEQ IR, I could see it being like the matchEQ function in the Isotope Ozone plugin:

- Input the track to the AxeFx II that you want to match.
- Play the same riff yourself.
- The AxeFx II computes the "match".

but alas that is mere speculation :)
So you would play through a miked amp, the AFXll would 'take a snapshot' - you would then play into the AFX and it would impart a 'corrective EQ' that would make the final response the same. Is this a correct understanding?
Radley said:
So you would play through a miked amp, the AFXll would 'take a snapshot' - you would then play into the AFX and it would impart a 'corrective EQ' that would make the final response the same. Is this a correct understanding?

If I understand the speculation, you would submit a tone you are trying to mimic, say Andy Timmons Elegant Gypsy, by somehow uploading a segment of the isolated guitar track to the axe fx (maybe via Axe Edit). Then you would attempt to play the same guitar segment, as close as possible to the original track, using your own guitar into the axe. Match EQ would calculate the difference and provide you a matching tone via a unique and dynamically created 'EQ matched IR' placed in your cab block. Your preset should then nail the imported sound sample using that guitar...

There are very good videos on this process using a DAW with plug ins and utilities, but could you imagine doing this directly with just the axe and axe edit?!!!

Oh man, that would be soooo cool!!!

This is all PURE SPECULATION, as Scott said, but if Fractal perfected this process they better ship clean underpants with that Firmware update!!!
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The process I described in my previous post would basically mimic a lot of what the Kemper claims to do, but we would still have all the benefits of the AFX effects & routing --- HAWT DAWG!!! ;)
For the record, the Kemper folks say they are using no IRs at all - perhaps a high quality matching EQ is more natural than an IR? Interesting thought....
For the record, the Kemper folks say they are using no IRs at all - perhaps a high quality matching EQ is more natural than an IR? Interesting thought....

Or not so interesting. One thing Kemper cannot be accused of is being forthcoming with details of their technology. They have done nothing but obfuscate any actual technological details; and that's their right. They mark it up to 'digital alchemy' which is nonsense marketing-speak. Doesn't bother me; they don't owe me an explanation. LOL. But at this point; does it really matter? I think the conversation is one for the Kemper forum; and I'd leave this forum to discussions of the Axe-FX and other Fractal gear.
A feature to profile an amp ala the Kemper would really be useful.

Or something that could profile pedals like drives or wah pedals and then set a drive or wah block accordingly? I've seen some posts on the forum where folks are sweeping pedals and then looking at the output etc. to reverse engineer their freq response and distortion characteristics in order to mimic them in the Axe Fx. A builtin utility that does this would rock!

I actually miss fidgeting about in tube amps and other gear. It is making me wonder... would I even bother with all of this "almost there" IR fun if I had the ability to record at decent levels? I am starting to lean heavily toward a "no" on that question...
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