Feedback, finger squeel and sensitive settings


Power User
I was talking with another Fractal brother who brought up to topic of controlling finger noises on certain presets. For me the preset tha lt does it is a Marshall Plexi. I have a control switch that toggles on the fat boost and increases the drive block’s volume. Is there a way to tame an oversensitive preset by using a noise gate?
i would think any noises are due to the same things that would affect any amp or settings. gain, treble and similar things accentuate high frequencies. perhaps reduce those to reduce string noise?
Try a Friedman amp with a rat or face fuzz drive.
I am having same issue with my higher gain amps. It reacts like a real high gain amp pretty much which is sensitive to string noise.

A noise gate works try -50. You will lose some tone however. The secret is not touching strings when you don’t want string noise ;-) as others have told me. But I do find that finding the right amp and drive and settings you can get the sound you want and reduce string noises.
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