FCB1010 with Axe Fx question


Hi Guys, i'm new to the forum and have recently ordered an axe fx! however i have a question, a friend of mine owns a fcb1010 and is willing to sell it to my for a fairly cheap price but i'm just wondering what are the features of using the fcb1010 with the axe fx? sorry if its a noobish question im fairly new to all this. I know the pedal has 9 or 10 banks does this mean that you can switch between 100 presets or something on the axe fx via the fcb1010? or is it not as simple as that? Thanks alot! :D
It's about that simple :mrgreen:
I know there are several users on here who really like the FCB1010-myself included- but I think a good many of them (me too) have the uno chip installed.
No...not really...
without the chip you can still control fxs within the patch, but you don't get proper status via the FCBs lights and you can't do patch switchin within the same bank...you would have to set up a seperate bank on the FCB for patch switching...
however, with the chip you can (for example) split the top row of buttons 6-10 from the bottom 1-5 and use the top to change patches and the bottom to switch fx on or off in that patch...plus get proper on/off status.

I've never really used it much without the uno, but i think I am telling you right.
hope it helps.
So basically all i want to do is make presets on the axe fx and save them and ten just switch between them on the fcb1010, so in your opinon would i have to purchase this uno chip?
Gman2oo6 said:
So basically all i want to do is make presets on the axe fx and save them and ten just switch between them on the fcb1010, so in your opinon would i have to purchase this uno chip?
For that, definitely not.
awesome guys thanks alot for the information! does anybody know if theres any manuals online or anything that can get you started on how to do it?
I have the FCB with the Uno chip and I think that it's really useful to be able to use the "stompbox mode" : turning on and off effects from your presets, getting in tuner mode, or just having a + 6dB boost at your foot when the drummer goes crazy while you're soloing. The chip installation takes 15 minutes. It's worthwhile to use the editor also (pcwerks).
Good luck !
To the OP.

There are 2 FCB1010 forums on Yahoo Groups.
One of them is for UnO equipped FCB's and the other is for stock FCBs.

There is a free editor out there for no UnO FCBs that works well on both PCs and Macs. It's called iFCB.
There is a free Java-based editor for UnO equipped FCBs but it runs really slow on the Mac. It's called Ripwerx.
Try Googling them.
If you dl the editors you can open them on your computer, w/o needing an FCB, and you'll be able to see/understand all of the FCB's potential.

Programming the FCB (UnO or not) without software is a real pain, IMO.
Gman2oo6 said:
Will i need the unochip to control the expression pedals? for example volume pedal, and the wah on the axe fx?

Of course not.
The main thing that UnO gives you that a stock FCB1010 does not is stomp-box mode where 5 switches become dedicated IA switches rather than program change switches.
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