FC-12 - Scene Display Name not Updating


I have a Scene named "Drive+". If I rename that to just "Drive" (drop the "+") in Axe-Edit, the displayed name on the FC-12 does not update. As a workaround, I enter another value (e.g. "dd"), then type in "Drive" and the display updates.
I have a Scene named "Drive+". If I rename that to just "Drive" (drop the "+") in Axe-Edit, the displayed name on the FC-12 does not update. As a workaround, I enter another value (e.g. "dd"), then type in "Drive" and the display updates.
if you save the preset after you drop the +, does it immediately update? if you change presets and return is it there?

just trying to get some data on this.
if you save the preset after you drop the +, does it immediately update? if you change presets and return is it there?

just trying to get some data on this.

To test this, I changed to another preset that has scenes named "Drive" and "Drive+". The names are displayed properly in Axe-Edit, but the FC-12 shows both as just "Drive".
if you save the preset after you drop the +, does it immediately update? if you change presets and return is it there?

just trying to get some data on this.

I tried another test. This time I imported a preset in to an empty slot. Made the edit, saved the preset. The FC-12 is hanging on to the old name (Drive+) and Axe-Edit is updating properly.

Running FC firmware 1.03 and Axe-Edit III v1.00.12 on Mac Mojave.

Another interesting find is that I saved the preset to slot 408. That slot reports being <empty> if I drop down the list of presets.
if you save the preset after you drop the +, does it immediately update? if you change presets and return is it there?

just trying to get some data on this.

Saving the preset, moving to another preset, then going back, does seem to cause the display to update properly. However, the preset slot in the drop-down list is still showing as <Empty>. I have to close Axe-Edit to get that to update.
Saving the preset, moving to another preset, then going back, does seem to cause the display to update properly. However, the preset slot in the drop-down list is still showing as <Empty>. I have to close Axe-Edit to get that to update.
you can click the little Refresh arrows - like 2 arrows in a circle - to update the Preset names in that Preset Picker window. this is intended behavior so it doesn't pause and update all names every time you open the Preset picker window.
I have a Scene named "Drive+". If I rename that to just "Drive" (drop the "+") in Axe-Edit, the displayed name on the FC-12 does not update. As a workaround, I enter another value (e.g. "dd"), then type in "Drive" and the display updates.

I can replicate this. It almost looks like a buffer isn't being cleared out or something when the first character is not changed.
In Axe-Edit, change a scene name to TEST
FC then shows TEST

In Axe-Edt, change the name from TEST to TE
FC then shows: TEST

In Axe-Edit, change the name from TE to B
FC then shows: B

And so on. It appears to always update on the FC me when the first letter is changed to something different.

The same test using AXE-FX as the SCENE name and changing it to AXE does not have this issue.

But, if you try it with AXEFX as the SCENE name (no hyphen), and change to AXE, it will still show AXEFX on FC.
I can replicate this. It almost looks like a buffer isn't being cleared out or something when the first character is not changed.
In Axe-Edit, change a scene name to TEST
FC then shows TEST

In Axe-Edt, change the name from TEST to TE
FC then shows: TEST

In Axe-Edit, change the name from TE to B
FC then shows: B

And so on. It appears to always update on the FC me when the first letter is changed to something different.

The same test using AXE-FX as the SCENE name and changing it to AXE does not have this issue.

But, if you try it with AXEFX as the SCENE name (no hyphen), and change to AXE, it will still show AXEFX on FC.

Thanks! For now, it's not a big deal. I will be upgrading to 3.0 over the weekend and will check to see if the behavior is still there.
I am on an ancient Macbook Air here and running FC-12 and 3.0 - and I can't replicate here.
Tried all sorts of stuff and the display always updates for me.
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