FC-12 freezing up

moo cow

So I had a few weird things happen with my FC-12 this morning.

Everything has been working perfectly until today. I powered it on none of the IA switches worked correctly. For example, if I tried to bypass an active switch it wouldn't turn off and the LED's would stay lit. If I held the switch it would act like the tap button and toggle the switch on and off.

So I stopped and unplugged/turned off everything and it seemed to go back to normal.

Then I started noticing my EV-1 I use for volume would sometimes not turn down the volume when heel down. A single stroke of the pedal would return it to normal. But when I was using it for swells sometimes the off (heel down) would be full volume until I went toe down and back.

Then after about an hour of playing and working correctly the whole pedal board froze. I could still play through the unit but no switches worked and both expression pedals stopped functioning.

Turned off/unplugged again and things went back to normal.

Any suggestions? Reinstall firmware on Axe or FC or both?

What version of firmware are you running on the Axe-FX III? Did you recently update the Axe-FX? If so, do you recall what version you were coming from?

Please verify the firmware version on the FC is 1.03. This is displayed on the FC main LCD when the unit is powered on.

If you are running the latest Axe-FX III firmware (3.01) and don't mind, then you can try to reset your system parameters (from the HOME screen: go to SETUP, Utilities, Reset page, then Reset System Parameters). Note that this will clear your FC configuration.
Hi, did your problem has been solved?
'couse I've got the same problem,
My Axe Fx iii is on 6.00 beta
And FC6 on 1.06
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