FBT verve 12ma VS 8ma



is verve 12ma too much for bedroom level? and is there any difference running Axe Fx into them in terms of quality,feel and color?

if they are EXACTLY the same then i will order FBT Verve 8ma since its cheaper
At under 90db? No, not much. The 8ma has a lot of bass, natural sounding bass.

Where they differ is at higher volumes, when you start pushing 100+db; then the 12ma has more 'impact' and 'oomph' on the bass.The 8ma has the bass, you can HEAR it; but the 12ma you can "HEAR" it and "FEEL" it. The 8ma won't make you FEEL it with authority.
NizarOdeh85 said:
so for bedroom level or small gig which would sound better?

They have similar sonic signatures; so they sound the same until you push them. The 8ma doesn't break up or get muddy; it just lacks the visceral 'slam' of a 12" speaker. I've not gigged a 12ma, my friend Jeff has one. We've done some A/B comparisons with my 8ma. You can hear the 8ma on a gig, but you don't 'feel' it.
ok then i guess i would go for Verve 8ma since it will be better for price! :)

i wonder if my choice is better than the QSC monitors! who knows!
Any feedback about the 8ma ?

I'd be using it mainly at home with some too rare gigs, so I'm interested...
I had a QSC K12 before I bought my Verve 12ms... I did NOT like the QSC... over-hyped low end, and not clear. I used my 12ma for the first time live, this past weekend... it's phat and sweet sounding !... the 8ma, from what I have read from others ( no first-hand info ) sounds very similar to the 12ma, but not quite the low-end extension, and slightly lacking in volume.... but makes up for it in the smaller footprint category.., and is roughly $200 cheaper...
If you're mainly just playing in your room, it should be great...
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