Favorite ToneStack Swap (Axe III Edition)


There is an older version of this thread (for the AX8), but due to all the updates made to the Amp Block, I thought it would be fun to start a new one. Some swaps I used to do, I find I don't have to anymore, others have room in my setup for experimentation. If you have discovered a swap that works for you, I'd really like to learn about it. I'll start with one and maybe add more later.

Firmware: 20.05 Beta.

Amp: Brit Silver
Tonestack Swap: Friedman
Result: The amp sounds more like the Silver Jubilee I have in my head. The controls, while not being so far removed from its' default, interact in a way that allows me to get into my comfort zone fairly quickly. The default tone stack (in combination with the other pieces of my setup), always had a nasal and almost sinewave kind of sound that was not agreeable to what I wanted. The Friedman tonestack allows the core quality of the Brit Silver to come through, but without the "offending" quality. Other alternatives are the "Plexi" "Plexi 100" and the "Brit 800" (although the 800 does contain a slight amount of that nasal quality, it is not dominating like in the default one).
Cool idea for a thread. I got turned on to the idea of placing a Plexi tonestack in any Friedman, which just makes it aggressive and pissed off. This is an area I really want to explore more.
Exactly what I’ve done. Turn master up fairly high, add plexi tone stack. Now I can actually like a Friedman, which I didn’t before. Haven’t messed with others yet.
Cool idea for a thread. I got turned on to the idea of placing a Plexi tonestack in any Friedman, which just makes it aggressive and pissed off. This is an area I really want to explore more.
I used to do that with the BE models. It definitely helped. With the recent firmware updates, I've found I haven't needed to do that anymore. I think overall the Smallbox is closer to what works with my setup, but I certainly haven't given up on the BE. Also, the BE with a JCM tone stack is killer.
That sounds like a great combo. I like each amps independently, but I could never get the SLO as good as the JCM. I think this is a great solution. Thanks Randalljax.
I used it to emulate the old HK Triamp , the Triamp is an SLO circuit but the values have been set as more Marshall so you get the gain and saturation of the Soldano. But voicing and EQ of the 800
Few other tweaks switch to svet EL34 and ECC83 reduce low freq in speaker page ,
NFB 1.5 Input boost set to screamer and on
Try that
I used it to emulate the old HK Triamp , the Triamp is an SLO circuit but the values have been set as more Marshall so you get the gain and saturation of the Soldano. But voicing and EQ of the 800
Few other tweaks switch to svet EL34 and ECC83 reduce low freq in speaker page ,
NFB 1.5 Input boost set to screamer and on
Try that
Thank you, that sounds fantastic. I'll definitely give that a try. There are amps like the SLO that have the gain structure and basic EQ that I am going for, but in combination with the rest of my rig, sometimes they just don't want to get along, even though I know they can. Switching out the tonestack is definitely a go to for those occasions. And it's cool that the Triamp is basically just that. Thanks again.
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