Favorite software amp sims?

I'm mainly clean to crunch, I use the following in no particular order

NDSP Morgan (sometimes Tone King or Soldano)
Mixwave Milkman Creamer
BlueCat Axiom.

then a bit of a gap and then Helix Native

prefer these to the Kemper, but am Fractal-curious

Many of us have been through various and and devices, and many have stayed around here :)

So you have a Fractal yet?
I own a ton of software plugins and often use the same few - the Waves CLA guitar, Brainworx Rock rack, BX Engl and Friedman, NDSP Tim Henson, and Audio Assault ReAmp Studio. I primarily use software for scratch tracks and when I'm writing some original stuff.

The FM3 is my go-to for final guitar tracks because it just sounds better than anything else in my arsenal. Like going from standard definition TV to 4K as far as sound quality. And the presets make it so easy to get a usable sound without a lot of tweaks.
S-Gear, someone may say it is kind of limited but I think limitation is a chance to grow.

I am always just happy with the sounds comming out of it.
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