Favorite Bands You Never Saw Live

Since we're talking some about some notable (to us) shows we DID see...
  • Grateful Dead (w Jerry)
  • Allman Brothers (w Duane, same show a above)
  • The Beatles (Shea Stadium, mom took me and my brothers!)
  • Hendrix (not a great show, sadly)
  • 38 Special (surprisingly great, quite the group sound)
  • Blind Faith (Winwood's voice was the star, even though I was super into Clapton at the time)
  • Return To Forever (w Billy Connor, great)
  • Weather Report (w Miroslav, tiny Greenwich Village bar, 3 feet from the stage, probably the best show I've ever seen, just amazing flashes of communication between them all night)
I started going to concerts in 1977 thanks to my parents understanding that I wanted to see my favorite guitar players, so I saw almost everyone I ever wanted to in their prime(s) except for Led Zeppelin. I had tickets for their 1977 tour but I got in trouble and my punishment was to sell those tix. I did catch three Page/Plant shows across two different tours a couple of decades later.

If I didn't see a band in concert, it's because I didn't want to.
I started going to concerts in 1977 thanks to my parents understanding that I wanted to see my favorite guitar players, so I saw almost everyone I ever wanted to in their prime(s) except for Led Zeppelin. I had tickets for their 1977 tour but I got in trouble and my punishment was to sell those tix. I did catch three Page/Plant shows across two different tours a couple of decades later.

If I didn't see a band in concert, it's because I didn't want to.
You must have lived in a large city or near one. Several of the bands I missed played Dallas and Houston but skipped Austin.
Ronnie Earl
Roy Buchanan
Gary Moore
Joe Strummer
Killing Joke
Great shows I'd imagine
SRV and he is the sole receiver of this honor.
I love lots of bands but none of them would I endure the crowds and hassle, even if it were free and just across the road from my house, to see. Only SRV!! I miss that guy so much and regret never having seen him live!!
Most of them. U2 back in the day would be the big one.

These days, I'd almost rather go to a good guitar concert (jazz, acoustic, classical, etc.)
  • Beach Bunny
    • They actually just came through town touring as an opener for Melanie Martinez on some big arena tour. I didn't want to spend several hundred dollars just to see a band I really like (doing only maybe a 30- or 40-minute set) open for an artist I'm not into while sitting a million miles away in the upper deck of an arena.
  • Dua Lipa
    • I missed the Future Nostalgia tour and there aren't any tour dates for her new album anywhere near me (there are only two U.S. dates this year so far). Dua Lipa is the only artist I would consider traveling to see, which seems like it might be the only option.
I regret not seeing Led Zeppelin when they were here in the '70s. All my friends had tickets but I didn't manage to buy one before the show sold out. I even went to the venue with my buddies in hopes of finding a scalped ticket, but there were none to be had that night. I could faintly hear the concert from the parking lot, which only rubbed salt in the wounds.
There's only Queen and Van Halen. I wouldn't count VH as one of my favorite bands, but I would have loved to see them.
My first concert was, as was told to me by my mother, Queen and Ten Years After. I was 1, but I think it counts. I grew up a death metal kid in the late 80s/early 90s and I saw damn near all of them, but the one I missed out on also happens to be the only one I can still listen to: Carcass. Descanting The Insalubrious is in my top 10 albums of all time.

It was Eric Johnson and Vai up till February of this year when I saw the G3 Reunion tour. I worked for Val off and on for a couple of years but never actually got to see the show. Was worth the wait. My biggest one is Zappa because I became a fan the day he died and didn't find out until that Monday at school when I saw it in the paper. I had always read about him from Val and others and decided to finally give him a chance. I bought Joe's Garage and completely lost my shit. I took that Monday similarly to how Satch took Hendrix dying. Only I didn't play football.

There are plenty of others, but I was either too young, too not born yet, too broke or too far away to see them. I chalk those up to fate lol That's what YouTube is for. I think there are more bands that I did get to see that I'm proud of having seen than those that I didn't. I went to everything when I was younger. I've only been to 1 show in the last 20 years and that was the G3 show I mentioned above. I gotta go to more shows....
For any of you guys who missed VH, and wished you'd've seen them with DLR, I saw that lineup twice, and both times DLR stole the show, but not in a good way.

He does his, "Hold on a minute Ed", long, drawn-out stories, while Eddie stands on the side of the stage, after pausing the beginning of the next song..., Roth completely doesn't even try to get the vocals, or words right..., it's obviously just a big party to him, and the live sound was SO bass/kick drum-heavy, that I literally couldn't tell what song they were playing until the chorus, on some songs. And I KNEW their catalog well!

I could've just gone for Eddie's guitar solo alone, and that would've been more than enough for me. Which is actually sad.

2 of the worst shows I've ever attended, overall.

I'll add, I'm of the belief that if you're up there, at that level, living the kind of life that so many people can only dream about, and can pretty much enjoy anything you want that this world has to offer, AND, the reason you can do all that is because of those 20,000 screaming fans in that audience PAID you money..., then you owe that audience the best live performance you can give them. NOT, get drunk AF, and have yourself a stage party.

But that's just me. And I'm a huge EVH fan. In fact, I consider him the GOAT.
For any of you guys who missed VH, and wished you'd've seen them with DLR, I saw that lineup twice, and both times DLR stole the show, but not in a good way.
Dave did do his schtick quite often but the first 10 times I saw VH from '78-'84, the rest of the band could hardly do any wrong on stage. Each show that I saw, I felt that I was at the best party on earth at that moment.
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