Favorite Bands You Never Saw Live


I grew up in Austin, Texas in the 80’s. (Almost) every band I liked played at either the Frank Erwin Center, Austin Coliseum, Palmer Auditorium, Southpark Meadows, Austin Opry House, Austin AquaFest (pre ACL), etc. But a few I either missed, was too young to see at the time, or they never played Austin.

  • Queen
  • Rolling Stones
  • INXS (just didn’t go wish I had)
  • Rush
  • Eagles
  • Fleetwood Mac
  • The Who (Kenney Jones would have been the drummer at the time.)

Who didn’t you ever see live?
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Savatage. I missed the Thirsty Whale Gateway Theatre concert in August of '93. Criss was murdered by a serial drunk driver about two months later, and I still haven't forgiven myself for not making it to one of his last shows.

(Edit: fixed the venue....just found some footage of it on YT.)
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Saw many but some regrets re missing bands that rolled thru the vacinity at one point or other:
  • Peter Gabriel era Genesis.
  • U2
  • Doobie Brothers.
  • The Who
  • Led Zep
  • Randy Rhodes with Ozzy.
  • Sitting on the grass in front of an outdoor stage watching Cheap Trick (seen many times before that), the opening act for Joe Satriani when this happened: (Joe still on my bucket list tho I'm not an avid concert goer any more due to hearing issues):
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SRV, Pink Floyd, The Beatles,Thin Lizzy, The Eagles, Elvis, Tom Petty… many more. I got to see lots of my faves in their heyday, but there are many more I regretted waiting on until that ship has sailed.
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Led Zep
Petty and the Heartbreakers
The Grateful Dead when Jerry was still here. I did see him solo at a little bar in Berkeley.

There’s others I’m sure but I regret missing the above. I’ve seen a lot of shows over the years. Still do but it’s getting expensive these days. I’ve been lucky to see some, like SRV and Ozzy with RR. I caught Jeff Becks final show in Reno NV. I feel blessed to have seen that.
The Police, why I didn't get tickets to that last tour I'll never know. But, finally getting to see Sting in a few weeks
Pink Floyd
Mr Mister
Big Wreck, I know they're still going but I can't see them getting over to England anytime soon
Led Zep for sure (although i did see jimmy at Arms concert) and ac/dc on that missed list, but saw van halen 6x :mask: between 80 and last show at bowl and so many bands from dio to dire straits to oingo boingo. being older now had it's advantages being younger in the 80's and forward
Beatles and Led Zeppelin 100%!!
David Lee Roth - Eat em and Smile tour with Vai
Frank Zappa 1980-1983 (with Vai :kissingheart: )
Zep for sure. Randy Rhodes, Hendrix. I've been so fortunate to see most of my favorites. Saw VH for the 1984 and 5150 tours, but would kill to go back in time to see the VH1 and VH2 tours.
AC/DC. (But not for long, teeheehee...)

Edit: I'll admit I'm a bit torn. Part of me thinks "It's Angus and Brian, not AC/DC." But then I feel bad for "dissing" Stevie, and the drummer/bassist will be up to snuff, or Angus wouldn't have picked them. I firmly believe that.

But I LOVELOVELOVE Phil Rudd and I can't get over the fact that I'm finally going to see them - and it's not him! Background: At my birthday party, one of my best friends asked me about going to see AC/DC. Malcolm's absence can't be helped, and Stevie honors him well, so we didn't even talk about that. But we both came to the conclusion, because I made the point quite firmly, that with Phil and Cliff now also missing, there's just not enough AC in the DC to be worth going.

And about an hour later my other best friend gave me the ticket for my b-day... :)

Oh, and CAKE, i've never seen Cake live. Or the Beatles, Queen, Monster Magnet, Daft Punk, the Prodigy... I mean the list goes on and on, but I'm not sure about calling other bands my favourites.

What I have seen are Aerosmith, Jethro Tull, Kiss (3x), die Ärzte, Bush, Lagwagon... I don't get around much and I usually don't like the experience of being in a crowd, at a live venue or otherwise, unless I really, really, really want to.
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