Fav Cab for Tight Bottom End?


On the Discussion pg I asked what are your favorite amps are for a nice tight (non-flubby) bottom end. I got such great responses and thought that Cabs probably play an important role in the lower frequencies as well. So...
What are your favorite Cabs/Speaker and Mics for clean or slightly driven tones for a tight & articulate lower end. Any tips/tricks, like EQing certain frequencies on a certain Cab or combining 2 certain mics to get the lower frequencies to tighten up? Any other crazy ideas that work for you?

In my experience, clean and slightly driven tones usually benefit greatly from a very narrow cut of 3 to 6 db around the 550 or 600hz area. Along with a high pass at 100 hz, this usually clears up any low end issues I might have. Taming the low end on high gain amps is another beast entirely...
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