FAS summer sleeping???


Power User
Nothing more about FAS projects, i know it's summer and....
We know today that the MFC will be soon shipping so most of the part of FAS projects are done today, just the Axe-Fx PC is missing.
So i'm wondering what is doing cliff. Not used to consider him to be a lazy guy, but sometimes when you lead a project and reach your goal it lost all interest and becomes to be boring. Hope he is not doing fly fishing the tarpon in Bahamas thinking to open a bar in Moldavia.
So what we have today :
_ Axe-Fx...done
_ Atomic reactor...done (activ, passiv....)
_ Atomic amplifier...done
_ MFC...done

_ missing :
_ Axe-Fx PC
_ Editor
_ filling the Ultra

No news today of what next...seems the boss is sleeping or in vacation.

I hope he's fishing and not even thinking for a minute about any of us. There is this thing that plagues alot of the truly inspired/inspirational/devoted/passionate people called burnout. I for one am perfectly fine with him getting away several times a year and maintain a HEALTHY work ethic.

Cheers cliff. Enjoy your day(s) off, whenever you decide to take them you absolutely have our blessing. Not that you should even consider that.

Edit: and a big 'Srsly?' To the OP
I've yet to take a vacation this year. I'm currently finishing up the MFC-101 and two other projects that I can't talk about. I haven't had any time to work on Axe-Fx software.
I'm sick of waiting for these two projects that you can't talk about! It's been several hours since Fractal has announced their existence and there has been no mention of release dates or even an update on the status of these two projects. The least you could do is post the manuals. I still haven't received a confirmation that I'm on the waiting list.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Guess I'll just have to play my guitar all night and calm down a bit. :lol:
I think i guess what it is. It's really simple after the Axe-Fx to do it.
He is doing a *@^)#&]({* but to get it working you need |[@@@]^*$#.
So really simple.

_ And next project after that :
I just wanted to post this , but....private life is private life : (and of course Mrs Chase)

That's one of those trick pictures, where if you really look at it for a long time and concentrate, you eventually see that there is a giant fish in it.
Xrocker said:
I'm sick of waiting for these two projects that you can't talk about! It's been several hours since Fractal has announced their existence and there has been no mention of release dates or even an update on the status of these two projects. The least you could do is post the manuals. I still haven't received a confirmation that I'm on the waiting list.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Guess I'll just have to play my guitar all night and calm down a bit. :lol:

"I've yet to take a vacation this year. I'm currently finishing up the MFC-101 and two other projects that I can't talk about."

Let me GAS:

1. The new SS-AMP like sitting on top of the AXE-FX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md9_KqVG5oU
2. The new floor pedal version of the AXE-FX to blow Line-6 away!

Just guessing :)
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