EZdrummer 2

Wow, that video by Ola was really cool! I have SSD4, but I don't use more than 2% of it's features. And the features shown by Ola in this video is EXACTLY what I miss in SSD4. Feel some GAS coming on here now....

This is obviously not my video, but we all kind of know Ola by now and he made this recently to show off how easy it is to get around.

Hmmm I'm torn as to whether to shell out the cash for this or wait and see if they add these "creating" capabilities to superior down the road?

From what info I've gathered from the Toontrack forums there are no immediate plans to update SD2. That's fine by me. It is a different beast. I just wish they would add the ability to resize the UI but that's a different topic. I can see these working together just as EZD1 has in the past.
$89 for my upgrade (pre order) thru sweetwater. My code was waiting in my inbox Monday. Couldn't download until mid morning Tuesday. Good times
This is very tempting, I do like the almost automated drum track creation, and also feel like it stifles my creation of material and recording, as I do not enjoy programming loops (using SD2). Looks like certain sellers on ebay have offer option, may seem like cheapest source ;)

Edit: gave in and purchased... now to see if I can sneak home and install :) ps audiodeluxe on ebay let it go for $125 on offer, could have probably gotten them to sell for 120, but I low balled hard on my initial offer :p so if anyone wants to purchase through there, I hope it was a good deal!
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Wow, that video by Ola was really cool! I have SSD4, but I don't use more than 2% of it's features. And the features shown by Ola in this video is EXACTLY what I miss in SSD4. Feel some GAS coming on here now....

I had SSD3 and BFD 2. I just couldn't bond with those products. EZD and SD2 are my favs.
Question: I don't make serious recordings. I want the ability to press a button and have a program insert an appropriate drum fill in a particular location. In other words I don't want to have to program in what each drum should be playing during that fill. I don't have the patience and I don't know enough about drumming. Can EZ2 do that? If not, can other programs? Thanks.
Question: I don't make serious recordings. I want the ability to press a button and have a program insert an appropriate drum fill in a particular location. In other words I don't want to have to program in what each drum should be playing during that fill. I don't have the patience and I don't know enough about drumming. Can EZ2 do that? If not, can other programs? Thanks.
That's the same boat that I was in. Check out the videos because what you are asking is a pretty tough nut to crack and EZD2 seems to be the best that I've seen get you there.

Basically if you have a piece of MIDI or can tap a beat it can sort and find the parts of a song that would fit in with that groove and then you can adjust it to taste with the knobs. The only caveat is that you have to have some MIDI files for it to search through. I don't have a ton of their MIDI files yet so I'm sure that my results are going to be limited. But I will say that just tweaking the amount knob on a file is really powerful; it adds so much to it and it does it in a manner that a real drummer would do. I don't care about quantizing or whether the beats are in time because it does it automatically for me.
This looks so easy, I'm really tempted. In ease of use how much harder is Superior drummer 2?
To me, SD exists for those (like me) who want to program every single hit and produce the drum sounds themselves. If you're a drummer and you want that kind of control, SD is the way to go. If you want beats and sounds ready-to-go out-of-the-box, EZD2 is the way to.

Hmmm I'm torn as to whether to shell out the cash for this or wait and see if they add these "creating" capabilities to superior down the road?
Drum programming is what keeps me from recording my original ideas. I suck at it and it kills my whole creative process. :(
Based on what you said, you're the perfect candidate for EZD2. Don't let the name throw you off -- it's a professional tool. Devin Townsend used it for his Ziltoid album. I just did a four-part tutorial series on EZD2 for songwriters who get hampered by drum programming - sounds like it might be up your alley. Click this to check it out.

Question: I don't make serious recordings. I want the ability to press a button and have a program insert an appropriate drum fill in a particular location. In other words I don't want to have to program in what each drum should be playing during that fill. I don't have the patience and I don't know enough about drumming. Can EZ2 do that? If not, can other programs? Thanks.
That's precisely what EZD2 is for. Drum programming couldn't be any easier (or sound much better given the ease of use). It comes with an extensive library of beats in various styles plus is pretty customizable. More, the drum sounds are pre-produced, so, while you can, you don't have to mess with that aspect either.
Of course, one could say that the perfect solution is the blend of the two...

Work up your grooves / songs / MIDI in EZD2, then use SD2 in your DAW for the additional production facilities

Although having said that, the Presets in EZ2 are sounding very good, but I haven't really done any comparisons in that regard as yet
To me, SD exists for those (like me) who want to program every single hit and produce the drum sounds themselves./QUOTE]

I envy your will to programme drums, to me is one of the most uninspiring moments i could spent.

My dream drum rig is to have an electronic drum set an just ask any of my drummer friends to come by and record the midi notes via real time playing, its way more fun this way, to me at least.
I just did a four-part tutorial series on EZD2 for songwriters who get hampered by drum programming - sounds like it might be up your alley. Click this to check it out.

Three different email addresses.
Three different browsers trying to get to videos 2, 3, and 4.

No emails with instructions how to access them.
None of the browsers seem to work on your site (with no script blocking or other addons enabled) to access anything but the blog link.

It's feeling like my email addresses just got phished.

Hmmm I'm torn as to whether to shell out the cash for this or wait and see if they add these "creating" capabilities to superior down the road?
Drum programming is what keeps me from recording my original ideas. I suck at it and it kills my whole creative process. :(

Thats exactly my dilema , I have SD2 as I thought, well it would be " Superior " but without the skills or unending patience when I try to add drums to any song ideas, sketches , whatever, I just end up creating such a mess of noise that I give up on it . I'd like to try this EZ 2 but it looks too easy. and Ive come to expect frustration and dissapointment from these sorts of things.
Anyone want to comment on the samples? I use SSD4 with the CLA expansion and love the sounds I get, just wondering if they are as good or better
Anyone want to comment on the samples? I use SSD4 with the CLA expansion and love the sounds I get, just wondering if they are as good or better
I'm not even remotely close to an expert on drum apps, but I do know that the entire library is compatible so I'm assuming that the sound quality is right where it was with the original EZDrummer.

The thing that I think that shouldn't be ignored here is that you can import the MIDI into any other drum program out there. The advantage here is obviously the creative process and ease of making a song. If it's not up to snuff just use your favorite drum vst or app and go with it. For the price you get a fully functioning program, but I think that even if you just used the song creator and groove editor it's worth consideration.
I have BFD 3 atm, and I love it. I've found it much easier to generate good tracks using MIDI grooves that I did with Superior Drummer. Just different ways of working I guess.
I envy your will to programme drums, to me is one of the most uninspiring moments i could spent.

My dream drum rig is to have an electronic drum set an just ask any of my drummer friends to come by and record the midi notes via real time playing, its way more fun this way, to me at least.
I can understand that. I'm half drummer - started drums around the same time as guitar, but ended up dropping drums. I can still play kit good enough for most music, but when it comes to complex stuff like much of what I write, my mind is well beyond my physical capability. With tools like SD2.0, I'm totally okay with that. ;)

Three different email addresses.
Three different browsers trying to get to videos 2, 3, and 4.

No emails with instructions how to access them.
None of the browsers seem to work on your site (with no script blocking or other addons enabled) to access anything but the blog link.

It's feeling like my email addresses just got phished.

EJ - thank you for the head's up! Didn't realize the system wasn't up and running yet. I have our web designer looking into it now. Rest assured your e-mail has not been phished or anything like that. I'll let you know once it's fixed. Thanks for your patience!
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