Extacting cab file from bundled presets?


Is this possible? I downloaded the free Sinmix pack, I'm able to load the preset itself and I can see the cab name but I don't see a way to actually get the cab file itself over to the 3. Any help?
I'm assuming this was made for Axe Fx II? The Axe Fx III doesn't support preset bundles.

Possibly FracTool could do it, but I don't know...
Yep I'm aware the 3 doesn't support bundled presets, that's why I was asking about extracting the cab ir somehow. Thanks for the help though!
Yes, I ran into the same issue trying to convert presets from Dr. Bonkers bass cab IR packages. Use FracTool and select the option to convert to AxeFx III ‘single presets’. But that won’t give you the actual CAB IR.. which you would need to load into your Axe III and select manually.. but I imagine if this is a free pack from SinMix that they would be willing to distribute the individual cabs as well?
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