Expression pedals?


Hey guys. Since I didn't get on the wait list until November I may never get an FM9... but, looking at everyone's rigs I've noticed different expression pedals? I know it comes down to personal preference, but what seems to work best with the FM9 for volume swells?
Thanks guys. I love reading these topics!
There are loads of them that’ll work. Can’t go wrong with the Fractal ones.

I’ve used this Source Audio Dual Expression (heavily) for at least 4 years now with pedals, a Kemper and now FM9.

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I use the Mission SP-HR. It works perfect for volume swells for what I use. I have it set to go to my swells scene when I press the toe switch, and go back to the previous scene when pressed again. It makes volume swells really easy.

Before this one I tried the mission SP-1, and hated it. The SP-1 was advertised as great for fractal, but the switch is latching instead of momentary, which made it almost un-usable for my use case. Also the sweep as really limited on the SP-1. The SP-HR has a much better sweep.

I think the Fractal EV-1's & EV-2's are the best I ever used. I used the EV-1's in the past but opted for the EV-2's this time around. The 2's are great if you want to conserve space and they work great but I'll admit I think I prefer the size & long throw of the EV-1's better.
Any Expression pedal with work for volume swells! Personally I have settled on the dB Instruments 4E, the only 2 in 1 solution that I know of. You can potentially control 1 parameter on 4 different devices at once! In the case of the FM9 3 parameters. A little heavier than one pedal but worth it if your looking for maximum control with limited space.
I think the Fractal EV-1's & EV-2's are the best I ever used. I used the EV-1's in the past but opted for the EV-2's this time around. The 2's are great if you want to conserve space and they work great but I'll admit I think I prefer the size & long throw of the EV-1's better.
Hey guys. Since I didn't get on the wait list until November I may never get an FM9... but, looking at everyone's rigs I've noticed different expression pedals? I know it comes down to personal preference, but what seems to work best with the FM9 for volume swells?
Thanks guys. I love reading these topics!

Cheapest is Nektar pedal - like $20.... It works perfectly for me and has a built in cord. If you're playing at home and just having fun, it's more than enough. Just be careful how much weight you put on it because it's plastic. No issues for me yet, but I only weigh about 180.

If you're playing out, get one of the ones already suggested by others.....
It really depends on personal preference. I prefer a wah-style treadle for fast volume swells (and for wah), so I use a Mission for those functions, but I use the Fractal expression pedal for cross-fading w/d FX, for whammy and other harmonizer functions, and for ‘set it and leave it’ control of volume or gain (unless I’m using a micro expression pedal for that function). I like a lot of expression control available:


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I love the EV-1. I wear a size 13 and can’t do the smaller pedals. Really smooth and is like a beefed up Ernie Ball volume pedal, which I used since I was a teen. Being a wah junky, I “need” that feel when using a wah. I’m using a spring loaded Mission Engineering EP-1 for that. I have a springless EP-1 on my AxeFX III pedalboard, but when I went to jam, the volume in the room was making the pedal fall forward, engaging the wah pedal at random. I wasn’t keen on the idea of a spring until I got it, I thought it’d mess with the feel but I actually much prefer it and I’ll be grabbing another for the III pedalboard.

Just the sight of your FM9 with pedals makes me sad!!! A November 24th entry date for my FM9 should put me somewhere near fall of 2024!!!
I have a dunlop mini but it stays in the bag and I use a cheap Moog EP 3.

Moog EP3

What I like most about it most is it is exactly the perfect size.

It has essentially the identical depth.

Most importantly however, it is the perfect height. When placed directly next to the FM9 (read touching it) it is higher off the ground then the FM9 by maybe a millimeter. And the fulcrum point lines up perfectly with bend in the front on the FM 9 so regardless of where you are in the sweep, the rocking is position is never restricted by your foot hitting the FM 9.

I also find the bigger pedals easier for me for volume swells.
I love Rage Against the Machines whammy pedal stuff. Can that be replicated with the fm9 and an expression pedal?
i use the quad chromatic as a whammy and pick up some harmonics that way. Sounds amazing. So much so that I quit doing dives with my bar and now just use the pedal…except sometimes I can’t get to the pedal in time, then I just have to use the bar….lol. Funny how those dives just sneak up on you.
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