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Expression Pedal...Is there ANYONE that can help?????


I can not seem to get any expression pedal to work with my Axe Fx. I am running an Axe Fx Ultra with a Ground Control Pro. I used to think I knew the Ultra, the GCP and MIDI pretty well, but I am having no luck here.

My dilemma is the throw or range of the pedal. I have tried the Yamaha FC7, Ernie Ball VP and a no name pedal. When connected to either the GCP or directly to the Ultra, each pedal only utilizes about 30% of the sweep of the pedal, which of course makes the wah sound awful. I am using a stereo split cable, and please don't say that it is the cable or how it is wired. The only thing, I have found, that the wiring of the cable effects is reversing the heel and toe. I have made just about every adjustment possible in the Ultra and the GCP. The GCP is sending CC#7. I have the Ultra set to use Ext1 which is set to CC#7 (learned via the I/O CNTRL page by hitting the enter key and pressing the pedal) I have tried calibrating the pedal in the I/O Pedal page, which I am convinced has no effect on an external pedal connected via the GCP. I have also tried plugging all three pedals directly into Pedal 1 on the Ultra, calibrating the pedal etc, but still only get about 30% use of the pedals full range of motion.

It appears that the sweep or throw of the pedal is the issue, not the midi communication from the GCP or Ultra. So please if there is some secret I am all ears. Or if I have just been unlucky in the pedals I have chosen.

Thank you in advance on behalf of all the users on this forum, as I have seen multiple posts with no definitive solution.

Go check out the thread in the "MFC 101 general discussion" called "bestest expression pedal for MFC 101". It will have all the info u need.
I use two Ernie Ball VP Jr pedals (Vol block and Delay mix/Wah usually) and they worked fine on my Ultra. Had the same issue when I got my Axe II and was really puzzled until I realized I had set up my Vol block to use Log10 or something on the block setup. Changed it to linear, and I'm back in business with full range of motion. I don't know if the Wah has that option or not. I do know there are two options for the Ernie Ball with different impedence (think mine is 25k, not the 250k), but I don't know if that could be the issue as you have tried multiple pedals.
Anybody have experience with swapping out pots? I noticed the the Roland EV-5 only has a 10K pot, where as the Ernie Ball VP, which I am currently using has a 250K pot. On the Ernie Ball web site it says that the pots cannot be changed, but you never know until you try. Just don't want to screw up the pedal.

Thanks for the replies,

Here are the dimensions of the pot in the VPJR (dimensions in mm):

I am also looking for a linear-taper replacement pot for the VPJR.
So I pickup up a Boss FV 500H. It definitely has a throw that is more even. However, there is a bit of dead space at both the toe and heel. Any idea if there is a way to clean up the dead space?
Please try the pedal connected directly to the Axe-Fx. Be sure to perform a calibration.
I know you said 'don't say it's the cable', but I think we need to review this because expression pedals and volume pedals need different cables. For a volume pedal like the EB, you should use a stereo insert cable. This is the one that has a single stereo plug at one end and two mono plugs at the other. Plug the two mono plugs into the input and output of the pedal, and plug the stereo plug into the GCP. You may need to switch over the two mono plugs between the input and output until you get the right orientation. If you are using an expression pedal like the FC7, you should use a stereo TRS - TRS cable that has a single stereo plug on BOTH ends. To test the function with the GCP, hold down the edit button until you go into edit mode and then press bank down button to bring p the P1 (pedal 1) or P2 (pedal 2) input on the display. Move the pedal up and down. It should show 0 and heel down and 127 a toe down. I've never tried an EB with the GCP. Most volume pedals are not well suited to being expression pedals. I've tried the FC7 with a GCP and it works fine. If you really want to try swapping out pots, you should use a linear pot. Ratings between 10K ohm and 50K ohm, normally work best. The pot should be wired tip to wiper, sleeve to CW, ring to CCW. James.
Yeah, I have the correct cables, I was referring more to some of the posts that say the this stereo insert cable works better than that one, or that you need a stereo insert cable but you need to wire it a different way. I completely understand the concept behind the stereo cable and how it works with the GCP/AxeFx. With my Boss FV500H pedal, it actually has a stereo "expression" out, so I can simply use a stereo to stereo cable.

Regarding the FC7, doesn't it have its own stereo cable already attached? I tried a yamaha pedal, I believe it was an FC7, and had the same issue with the throw not kicking in until about 65%. The FC7 is also a volume pedal, not an expression pedal and so presented the same problem as the Ernie Ball VP. The Boss FV500H works much better, but just has some dead space at the toe and heel.
So I pickup up a Boss FV 500H. It definitely has a throw that is more even. However, there is a bit of dead space at both the toe and heel. Any idea if there is a way to clean up the dead space?

Under each end of the pedal is a piece of rubber about 20x65mm that the rocker rests against at the end of its throw. If you replace these stopper pieces with thicker rubber, you can make the pedal more useable. You'll have to experiment to find the exact thicknesses you need for your specific pedal, each end will be different. If you want to have maximum useable throw on the Boss, I'd suggest finding some rubber that is a couple of mm thick and keep adding layers until you just get into the working range of the pedal. Don't forget to recalibrate afterwards!
npx, thanks for the info, I'll give that a shot. Of course for $110 pedal, I really shouldn't have to make any adjustments. Maybe, I'll bring it back and get a Mission. So far I haven't heard anything bad about the Mission pedals.

Thanks again!
That was my exact issue with the FV500H too, and I am very happy with the Mission pedal I use now instead. If you're able to return your FV500 I'd do it while you still can. I was unable to return mine, so I just kept it for the off chance that I ever need a regular volume pedal, or want to start lugging a 2nd expression pedal.
So I picked up a $29 Maudio pedal that works great. It has a wider range of motion than the $100+ pedals I've gone through. Figures, I go after the expensive pedals expecting them to do what I need, and it turns out the inexpensive pedal that I turned my nose up at, was the best fit.

Now I am still planning on trying a Mission pedal, but it is hard to argue $29 vs $100+
Bargain! You'll be saving some weight in your pedalboard too. Good to hear you've got something that works for you!
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