Expression Pedal Controls for Multiple Blocks/Channels?


New Member
Hi all, I'm a Fractal newbie but am excited to have just received an FM3. Is there a way to map an expression pedal to control a volume pedal on one scene and to use the same pedal to control delay feedback (but not volume) on a separate scene? For some reason, I can't separate the expression control across scenes or assign it to specific blocks on different scenes. On scene 1, the delay appears to be bypassed, and the volume expression works, but it also triggers the delay when I use the pedal. The best work around has been to set the delay mix to 0% on scene 1, but the problem is that on scene 2, I want to have full volume and only use the expression pedal to manipulate the delay feedback. When I assign the expression control to the delay feedback knob, it appears to stay assigned even when I switch channels. And when I turn Auto Engage off for the Delay expression modifier, it does so for every channel and scene, and I'm unable to switch the expression control from the volume block to the delay feedback control when I want to. Thanks!
Yes, this can be done. you just need to assign the EXP pedal to a channel....and then in the next scene that needs to be different....kind of hard to explain ...and tricky to set up.
This would be a wish for me to make this easier as a LOT of users are down to 1 EXP pedal.
I'm not sure it's hard to explain. But there's a few ways to do things that may or may not help.

One would be not not use auto-engage for the volume pedal, and instead just bypass the volume pedal on scenes where you don't want it. You could do the same with delay being bypassed on the scenes you don't need it and engaged on the one you want to control.

Another that you could use is that a modifier by default is for all channels but can be assigned to a specific channel instead. So you could have it so only Channel A of the delay is controlled, and switch it to a channel B with identical settings if you need the delay on but not controlled.
I was wondering about how to do this as well. In my case I would also usually have a Wha present in most of my patches. The complicating thing is that I DO like to use the "Auto-Engage" feature when I use a Wha which screws this up because it will cause the Wha to turn on on any scene. As I was reading the posts abave, I realized I could use channels on the Wha too, and have one channel with the "Auto-Engage" turned off, right? I will have to try this when I get home tonight. I hope it works like I am thinking.
I tried this a few times, with varying degrees of success. I had 2 Wha blocks in parallel with the bypass mode set to mute. I did get it to work like that but Post #3 above works without going through all of that.
hi guys. Thus might help you.

in A few of my presets I have a WAH with the modifier set to auto in engage on channel A. I only use one channel for my WAH
I also have a volume pedal that’s the modifier is set to channel B

in a scene when I want a Wah, the WAH is on channel A and the volume pedal is either bypassed or set to channel A this usually for a dirty scene in the preset

in another scene that’s maybe more about clean sounds and long delays and verbs I have the WAH set to channel B and the volume block set to B and or not bypassed. With the wah set to channel be

in one of my songs I also have a pitch block set to Whammy it’s on another Channel.

with a little planning ahead one expression pedal has carried me far. The hardest part is remembering what scenes have the volume and which ones have the wah. That’s why I kept is simple with cleans volume dirt Wah. With only a few exceptions.

side not i reverse my auto engage settings do that the expression pedal is alway on full. Wah kicjs in when moved from the full up position. This way if I go from a Wah scene to a volume scene the volume is still on full instead of cutting off cause the expression pedal would be parked in the off position.

Hope that helps
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