exp pedal to control vol on out1 and out2?


By default an expression pedal hooked to the mfc controls the volume for all my presets on output #1. What would it take to get it to control both output 1 and output 2?
Grathan said:
By default an expression pedal hooked to the mfc controls the volume for all my presets on output #1. What would it take to get it to control both output 1 and output 2?

Go to AxeFx I/O -> CTRL and then set Output 2 to the same value as Output 1,
if you did reset to factory defaults then you need to change it from 12 to 11 to match Output 1 CC#.
Wow, that was too easy, thank you.

Is there any way to overide this on a certain preset and use exp1 to control wah instead of volume?
Hmm, I don't think it's possible, output 1 and 2 (and input volume as well) are global parameters
and AFAIK they cannot be switched On and Off per preset.
So if you wanna toogle between volume and wah per preset using the same pedal
then you should use Volume block and control your output there instead of controlling output 1 or 2,
it means that you have to put Volume block in every preset that you use.
I personally use 2 pedals, one for volume (controlling output 1)
and the other one for wah, whammy etc which is programmed per preset.
Grathan said:
Is there any way to overide this on a certain preset and use exp1 to control wah instead of volume?

You can absolutely over-ride the global settings via the preset menu.

Check out section 12.1.8 in your manual - you can change the CC# for an EXP pedal for that preset only to control wah (or whatever you select).

I have one expression pedal set up globally to control OUT1 on most patches, but use it as a mixer to switch between the magnetic and piezo pickups and two different signal chains within the same patch.

I also have another pedal set up to globally control the wah.
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