Europe !! Adaptor needed for Axe / LF Pro


Can someone in europe give me a link from a adaptor that is working on 9 volt AC out 1a and that FITS in the AXE / LFPRO ?

Please give only a link if you have that adptor yourself and up running ... i orderd 3 allready with the exact specs ( it says the plug must be 5,5mm by 2,5 mm) but i pissed away money on 3 of them with that size and they are to loose.. offcourse they don,t work also.

For now i made a workaround and made an extra connection in the LF Pro for the size 5,5/2,5 mm and i have it running, but i want to use phantompower and drilling holes in my Axe is one step to far :p

The plug in the axe is the same size as in the LF pro..


There must be users in Europe that use phantompower...
Could you please be so kind to give a link from a adaptor you ordend ?
Cliff says also the plug must be 5,5 by 2,5 mm and i get a feeling that there is a difference between a ac or a dc plug or my connection is not good on the Axe so i have to call G66... Just wanna be sure.

In my experience, which ranges from about 3 minutes ago until now, the Phantom Power socket on the AxeFX is a different size to the 9VAC in on the LFPro. My guess is that the LFPro uses a 2.1mm plug and the AxeFX uses a 2.5mm plug. I'm a little bit gutted as I have no way of upgrading my firmware at present as I was phantom powering the LFPro from my AxeFX :(
Most pound-shops have the lloytron' psu units with a multi-attachment on the end,this has about six different size connectors so one should fit ,just fnd the right one and cut off the rest.I bought a cheap multi-volt unit that came with a pack of interchangeable connectors cost
£3.50 so they are out there guys. I will post a thread to a company that does EVERY size and type of psu. when I can dig it out.

got it - :D should find what you want from them.
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