Euro Uber + 4 Different cabs - Ballsy Metal WIP

I'm using the citrus v30, metal 412, PVH 6160 and a redwirez cab which I loaded myself its the bogner uberkab T75 and it's close on the cap...mics used are Royer 121 + SM57.

A really neat trick I found that has totally changed the way I dial tones is that I shove the MBC block on after the cab outputs and it automatically sucks all of the mud (which I find inevitable when dialling in a high master volume with the amp) and tightens the tone up so much, means you can still colour and push the tone with more mids/higher master without ending up with a saggy/muddy tone. Just got to be careful with the MBC settings though and dont go overboard.
Sweet! Man those Bogner cabs are da' bomb!Instant beef with the Ownhammer ones. I gotta go try that MBC technique right now \m/
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