Wish Envelope follower upgrades

I'd like to see some improvements to the envelope following in the filter and wah modules.

Several of my favorite envelope follower tricks don't work with the FM3.

1. I like to put an envelope follower after the echo in my pedalboard. That way, as the echoes die out, the filter slowly closes up. With the FM3.
2. I like to use a pedal AND an envelope follower to get a more expressive wah effect, so you can open and close the filter with the pedal, and still get some envelope action from your playing. You can do this with an external volume pedal before the input of the unit, but not with a virtual volume pedal within the FM3.

I think the simplest solution is to have an option of the RECEIVE block as an input to the envelope. Then you can break up the chain where you need to to have the wah triggered appropriately.

Another solution, which could simultaneously be implemented with the above, would be to have a dedicated local envelope follower for the WAH and FILTER modules. That way, you would be able to control the filter from another source, such as a pedal or switch, and still get envelope following.

As pointed out in my non-fr thread, there is a workaround which is to use a cable between the send and input2, and then trigger the envelope from INPUT2. I'll do that for now, but it is hacky, and you lose stereo processing...

While I am wishing for wah upgrades, I wish that the max and min frequency controls were full range. Then you could invert the response for a different scene within the same patch. They are allowed to overlap, just not to any good effect. Odd choice to limit these ranges....

Also, regarding the above, as discovered in my original thread asking if this was possible, you do not lose stereo, just the use of input 2. Otherwise, it is a good workaround.
While I am wishing for wah upgrades, I wish that the max and min frequency controls were full range. Then you could invert the response for a different scene within the same patch. They are allowed to overlap, just not to any good effect. Odd choice to limit these ranges....
I'm not getting this at all...
The high frequency may be adjustable from say 1000hz to 6000hz. While the low frequency is adjustable from 100hz to 1500hz.

I'd like both to be adjustable from 100hz to 6000hz. So you could invert the wah response, when being used as an envelope follower.

I realize you can do this from the modulation window, but then it affects all the scenes... be nice if one scene could have normal response, and another reversed response.
Got it.

I suspect it's because these controls are there to mimic the "tuning" in real Wah circuits...

Another approach you could take would be to use a Filter block instead of a Wah block.
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