Enhancer irrelevant


Hi guys,
I'm working to increase “spatialization” on stereo patches but the ENH on my FX8 has no influence on sound. Maybe I'm getting old, but I can't hear absolutely differences.
I tried both classic and modern ENH and any kind of extreme setting, but nothing changes.
The patch is 8/0: PEQ VOL ENH DLY DLY REV REV (1 to 6 serial, 7 & 8 parallel)
Can you help me? Thanx

PS: yes, I'm using 2 amps connected to L & R out :)
Well this only work with stereo? Or any affect on mono setup?

I'm not an FX8 user, but in the Axe-FX, the enhancer when collapsed to mono (i.e. in front of any mono blocks or when summing L and R) only results in nasty phasing artifacts. Not recommended. (I removed the enhancer from all my presets for that reason, because I sometimes have to route to a mono FOH, can't take that chance).
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