Wish Enable/disable controller per scenes


Fractal Fanatic
I have one expression pedal. Let's say I attach wha freq and trem depth, both block active. I wish to be able to select the "active" controller(s), so that I can sweep wha when trem is on, without sweeping trem depth.

(I know I can make as many preset as combination, but I prefer to use the same preset in many song, setting on the fly the desired sound/speed/depth and block status. Using multiple preset same sound with different controller is a hell of a work...)

I think a clever way is to use scenes: each scene store the "enable" state of each controller. When I recall a scene, only the active controller(s) work (all attached controller by default will be active, one can disable as many as needed).

I hope my explanations are clear, and my idea is clever... :)
Let's discuss it! :D
No, the control switches control blocks but there's no way to disable a modifier, yet. Would be good, though. Sometimes you can work around by bypassing a block controlled by a modifier for a specific scene.

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