Effects switch question


New Member
Hey all. I am newish to the modeling world (had a helix for a while a few years ago) but am loving my new fm9 turbo! Question on the effects switches - does anyone know if there is a setting or a way for the unit to create buttons only for effects within a given preset? I'm thinking that the way I would do that is to use per preset switches? It's killing me trying to permanently assign the switches on the effects layout knowing that lots of the buttons will be wasted since so many will have functions not in any given preset.

Any creative suggestions welcome!


The per-preset overrides are a really powerful tool for customizing stock footswitch layouts. When in the Scenes layout, I often program one to four scenes on the bottom row, leaving two switches available. I use the per-preset overrides to make one switch an effect I'd like to control at will, say a delay, and the other is often programmed as a 2-3 db solo boost by switching on a filter block. If you are creative in the way you program your switches, you can get two scenes and four effects, three and three, etc. If you need more effects, just switch to the Effects layout and you can manually switch on and off anything you want. Something I do when in the Effects layout, is use a per-preset override on switch 1 and program it to change the scene using a +1 increment on the press, and a -1 decrement on the hold. This way you still have access to change scenes within the Effects layout. Very powerful stuff!
If I understood correctly then there are 24 PP switches in what appears to be a global set of PP switches. You can choose from this list what to use in your preset. E.g. Drive 1 on/off. Coming from the AX8 this appears somewhat limited. Playing in a cover band I need a lot of presets with very special effects tied to a control switch. Having only 24 PP switches this means I can easily run out of PP switches. There should be a way to really define the function, name, and color of a foot switch within the preset. Am I getting anything wrong?
If I understood correctly then there are 24 PP switches in what appears to be a global set of PP switches. You can choose from this list what to use in your preset. E.g. Drive 1 on/off. Coming from the AX8 this appears somewhat limited. Playing in a cover band I need a lot of presets with very special effects tied to a control switch. Having only 24 PP switches this means I can easily run out of PP switches. There should be a way to really define the function, name, and color of a foot switch within the preset. Am I getting anything wrong?
24 slots per preset.

Each preset has its own 24 with tap and hold.
I don't believe there is a way to copy them directly, but you could duplicate the entire preset and then edit it from there, or create a preset template that has all those assigned and use that as your starting point.

Would be a good wish list item to have a way to copy from those 24 slots to other preset though.
the AX8 footswitches were per-preset by default. i helped many people who were confused by that and complained that they had to set footswitches for every preset. the alternative was to make them global, but they didn't like doing that because then it couldn't be per-preset.

now the 3rd gen footswitches default to global, and it seems a smaller user base wishes they were all per preset by default.

good thing is the Placeholder default layout 6 solves that and you can add even more placeholders if needed.

with way more functions able to be assigned on the 3rd generation, yes the process will be a bit more involved. the AX8 had limited options for footswitches, so it was faster/easier to assign due to less possibilities.
What are you referring to?

Ok, coming from the AX8 I have to admit I'm a bit biased. I agree it's great to have the flexibility to chose which way to use foot switches (global vs per preset) and if the majority wants global assignments then it should be the default. What I don't understand is why there's apparently no way (yet) to save a PP FS assignment together with a preset. Sounds like a step backwards for ex-AX8 users.
Ok, coming from the AX8 I have to admit I'm a bit biased. I agree it's great to have the flexibility to chose which way to use foot switches (global vs per preset) and if the majority wants global assignments then it should be the default. What I don't understand is why there's apparently no way (yet) to save a PP FS assignment together with a preset. Sounds like a step backwards for ex-AX8 users.
Per-preset footswitches are part of the preset. When you save the preset they are saved. Not sure where you got the idea that it was otherwise?

The question posed above was how to save the per-preset switches separately from the preset and load them into a different preset. That is not currently possible...
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