Effects Only Application

I am hoping someone who uses their FM9 for effects (loop) only can answer this. I read the manual (a bit) and it says I can use input and output #3 for this type of application but to use the humbuster cables. Has anyone had success doing this? Are these cables required for a simple mono effects loop routing?
No they are not required. Regular instrument cables will work fine. Humbuster cables can help with some noise issues if you run into that, but they are supported only on the 1/4" output jacks.
I am hoping someone who uses their FM9 for effects (loop) only can answer this. I read the manual (a bit) and it says I can use input and output #3 for this type of application but to use the humbuster cables. Has anyone had success doing this? Are these cables required for a simple mono effects loop routing?
Can confirm the answers above. I've run mine in 4CM with regular instrument cables and it worked flawlessly. No noise.

Sounds like maybe you're just wanting the FM9 only in the loop of an amp? So just using for post-amp effects?
Humbuster cables can be used on any 1/4" output, but they are not required. I do find it helps for the cable that goes to the amplifier input though. I use my FM9 as standalone and also with amplifiers. I love both!

FM9 Connection to Amp.jpg
I've found that the drive tones are very harsh when doing effects only into the front of an amp.
Usually have to dial mids and upper mids back a fair amount.
I don't use an fx loop but FM9T into the front of an amp is my current favorite way to configure things. I have not had any issues with digital artifacts. The beauty of this setup is if your amp blows up just change to a patch with amp/cab modeling and continue the show. Having an eq on every drive pedal is pretty powerful too. I have compared it to my full analog pedalboard with the same effects and the axe is quieter and sounds every bit as good (better for delays and reverbs). I had an axe fx 3 for about 3 - 4 years, fm9 is much more recent, I am super impressed with how it performs in this configuration.
I use mine in 4cm , albeit with a humbuster cable as I had one with my old fx8 and I never throw anything away. Mine is setup using o/p 1 and 3 with o/p 2 going to a normal stereo power amp, this gives me all the options already pre-wired
So, in an fx-only application, I'm planning to use an FM9 with my Ethos Clean Fusion Deluxe. Now, it has a mono FX loop. I'm perfectly fine running in mono, but I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to include the ECFD as my amp + cab sim and run out of the FM9 in stereo.

Any thoughts?

What I do with individual pedals works: drives etc. before the pedal, stereo fx after the cab sim out. It's great!
So, in an fx-only application, I'm planning to use an FM9 with my Ethos Clean Fusion Deluxe. Now, it has a mono FX loop. I'm perfectly fine running in mono, but I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to include the ECFD as my amp + cab sim and run out of the FM9 in stereo.

Any thoughts?

What I do with individual pedals works: drives etc. before the pedal, stereo fx after the cab sim out. It's great!
If you come out of the fx loop into the fm9 this will give you the preamp of your amp, but you would have to then go into the cab block for it to sound right on the stereo outs on the FM9
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