Echoplex preamp

As with the Echo pre, there is more going on with the Solo Dallas than the double compressor trick on the Axe
Some things seem to have more secrets than an algotryhthm can do? (the old Klondissusion).
Some other things like SDD work really good for U2 Stuff.
If you want warmer, would cutting the highs in either the amp or cab block not get you closer to that goal?
It's a super simple preamp schematic. I think, it would be fairly straightforward to replicate in the Axe, if you put in the hours.
It's a simple circuit, and the guy from Clinch FX didn't understand what the fuss was all about at first glance. After all, it's just a simple circuit.

Only after he analyzed it more meticulously did he find out that the real "magic" behind the echoplex preamp was not its frequency, but its non-linear phase response.

It's one of the few pedals left that I'd advocate to add, as it's different than other preamps and drives. It's different than those 20 tubescreamer drives we have. If you haven't played one, you wouldn't understand it. Yes, I get it, some of you don't hear a difference, some of you don't hear a difference between preamp and power tubes, either, but that doesn't mean that the impact isn't there. In general, I think pro audio is all about nuances. The little details all add up.

If we don't need nuances, here's what the Axe should contain: Marshall Plexi, JCM 800 and JTM, Fender Tweed, Super Reverb and Twin, Soldano SLO, VOX AC 30, Dumble ODS, Mesa Boogie Mark V.

Want a Fender Bassman? Tweak the Plexi. Want a Deluxe Reverb? Tweak the Twin. Want a Jose Marshall? Tweak the Plexi. Want the Recto? Tweak the SLO.

Yet, here we are 200+ amp models later. And I love it!! Yes I can get a Bogner XTC tone out of a JCM 800 with tweaking, but I like to fire up the XTC model from the get go and nail it!

Also, somebody needs to inform Pete that he's probably wrong about this pedal making any difference:

If only he knew that he could get the same effect by cutting a lil bit of low and top end... Instead he keeps this thing always on... his ears must be shot..
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I did a little comparison between the normal tone, Santiago IR engaged and the Secret Preamp engaged:

Only very light limiting was applied to bring the level up without even the slightest bit of gain reduction. It might still be a little quiet for some, but I wanted to preserve as much of the original tone as I could.

The first one is just the amp and cab, the second one features the Santiago IR and the third features the secret preamp.

The first one is muddier, the second is a bit less muddy and the third one has a presence and clarity the other two don't have. They don't sound the same at all listening at a certain volume or with your ears really close to the monitors
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