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Early 90s Dino Cazares Tone. How close am I?

I drop tuned my old Ibanez RG a while back and I've been writing a lot of material on it. I'm trying to go for a tone that's somewhere between Dino Cazares tone on the Concrete Demo for Fear Factory and Soul of the New Machine. I like the warmness of his tone on that demo, but maybe just a TAD less muddy and more clear would be great. I'm really trying to avoid the typical "djent" tone and go for something that's more raw.

Am I using too much mids here? I know Dino probably but I have no idea how he got it to sound so "punchy" and thick and not harsh. I'm using the 6505 block (the only high gain amp I can work with effectively honestly) and when I turn down the mids it just kind of makes it sound weaker.


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