Dynamics, when to tweak?


Hi guys,
This has been something Im trying to master, when to use the amp's block dynamics knob. When does it work better? I've noticed better response with clean and midgain amps rather than with high gain amps. I know that the compression knob on the amp works against the dynamics principle. So when I mess with the dynamics, I leave compression off. So basically what I need to know, should I use it just for clean an mid gainish sounds, no drive pedals before, etc? Can I use the compression setting in the amp as well? I love to compress my cleans, and having the chance to do it within the amp, is just perfect. So increased dynamics would be very well compressed too.
Great questions. Love to see the experts opinions, but I've used it to benefit on medium gain stuff other than extreme metal just like you point out.
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IMO, there's really no rules of thumb to go by. You just have to use your ears. It also varies between amp model and even depends on what cabs you're using. I'm primarily a high to medium gain player and generally I prefer preamp compression of around 30% and dynamics from 0 to -40%. But, I prefer a compressed feel for high gain and a somewhat dark tone. When I want a stiffer feel with more edge my dynamics settings may be higher.
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