Dynacabs! Post your best recipes!

Yeah, I’m slowly transitioning to DynaCabs for all my tones. Even with the current offerings, you can pretty much nail most tones if you put in the time. I find them much more efficient than scrolling through thousands of IR’s. I’m still using IR’s in my gigging unit, but as soon as I get the chance to match them with the DynaCabs, I’ll likely quit using IR’s altogether.
I think I might be heading in that direction as well... 🤘🏻
I think I might be heading in that direction as well... 🤘🏻
The big secret and aha moment for me was the Align after watching a Chris Baseford pod cast
Set your 2 mics like a 57 on one a 121 on other then bring them out of alignment about 12 mm , to me it sounds more natural and gives this cool phase cancellation that does some cool things to the tone and cuts some top end , it’s almost like the smoothing parameter but with more control
My Favorite right now. Sounds really good through the PA, studio monitors and IEMs.

Cab 1
Dyn 1
Position 4.73
Distance 6.3

Cab 2
Rumble EV12L
Position 4.00
Distance 6.3

No high cuts
Low Cut 40hz
Pan 50,-50
Alignment- +11 on one cab.
Good thread! I'm learning a lot.

Like some contributors I didn't enjoy the Dynacabs at first. They seemed too "brash" to me but having become accustomed to them I now find the legacy cabs too "dead".

The biggest jumps in dialling them for me in came with using Leon Todd's Dynacab settings from his block library (thanks @2112) as my baseline.

I also have clear and consistent (across blocks) high/low EQ cuts (high at around 6K, bass cut to taste; 12-18db cut), the cab block smoothing parameter is set at about 6, I mis-align the mics, use only the ribbon and Dynamic 2 types (occasional condenser), and I also play around with the speaker impedance curves in the amp block, although I often end up with the default recommendation.

I use a limited number of cabs - usually the Friedmans, 1960TV, Recto Straight, and I like the EV cabs on cleans especially; usually only two cab/mic combos in total). My favourite amps are the Friedmans, JTM45, Shiva CLN, Stealths, CAE3+, Cornford, Mesa JP, Recto Red, and the MkIV. To a lesser extent I also use Double Verb, AC20, a couple of the FAS models, and the Peavey 5150 models.

Ribbon: position 1-3, distance 1-4;

Dyna2: position 2-3, distance 0-1,

12-20 misalignment on one mic/cab

IR length 512 samples

No panning
The big secret and aha moment for me was the Align after watching a Chris Baseford pod cast
Set your 2 mics like a 57 on one a 121 on other then bring them out of alignment about 12 mm , to me it sounds more natural and gives this cool phase cancellation that does some cool things to the tone and cuts some top end , it’s almost like the smoothing parameter but with more control
Wow!! This is great. The fizzy high end has been the toughest thing to dial out for me. This definitely helps.

edit: The room level and air parameters seem to be more reactive with the mic alignment that way. I've never touched either of those two parameters but noticed a touch of room level (7% to 14%) and air (4% to 7% - to taste) affect the tone in a good way.
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I finally got a chance to sit down and update some of my presets from legacy to DynaCab and WOW the York 4x12 recto pack is absolutely incredible. A/Bing my original patch, it sounds fizzy in comparison, and I thought it sounded excellent before I loaded the DynaCab. I am a believer now o_O
Just ask the new sound guy. It has no ear fatigue :)

The previous version, when uploaded a graph, was giving errors. It could never give a true response, and made me wait for a whole lot of seconds before throwing an error.

This one responded in one second. It did not choose 2cm, and avoided extreme EQ. It choose 10cm, which is the most suitable distance that has exact data in the graph. It did not do wild guesses. It stayed in a region where it should 'cut' something instead of boosting, which is the right approach for EQ IMO.

The best thing is, I didn't even say 'proximity' :)

Here's a boring one for you:

Splawn QRod 3
Friedman v30 and GBs dead center with dynamic and ribbon

Hard to hose it up, cuts great, plenty of gain.
I thought this was going to be a fizzy/boomy mess by the description, but it's actually pretty darn great. For me, adding a high cut in the preamp section of the cab block at 5500 with a 18dB/oct slope, and boosting the mid in the preamp EQ by 1.85dB made it cut better without sacrificing what made it good to start with.
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