Dweezil: Where did you get these stickers?

Here's what I did last night for my Axess FX1:

Here is another way you can label your pedal. This is from my pre axe-fx rack..

I printed this on a3 paper, laminated it, and then cropped it with a guillotine - all things I could do with the gear in my office. Cutting the circles for the pedals can be a trick - but look into art/craft stores that sell paper craft / scrapbook supplies. You can get circle punches and cutters that will do the right size (about 15mm is good).

I've stick magnetic tape in the corners to keep it in place. I have a couple of these printed an ready to go - depending on the pedal setup I'm using.


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I posted a pic of my GCP in the Lounge and had a request for the template I used to make my labels. I made this myself using Inkscape (a vector graphics program) and some trial and error. The text was actually from my GT-Pro setup, so I'll be redoing these sometime soon to properly reflect their assignments in the AxeFx.

In any case, here's my page:


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To stick the labels to the board, I turned them into stickers using a little machine my wife bought at an arts and crafts store. You feed a sheet of regular paper in one side, and turn a small crank to roll it through while the machine applies a layer of double-sided sticker paper to the bottom. I wouldn't have run out and purchased it on my own for this product, so I was glad to have it already sitting at home. If I had to do it again and didn't have the machine, I'd just go to a stationary store and pick up a sheet of sticker paper.

As for cutting the holes perfectly... I cheated! See how the circles for the LED and switch are black? I used an Xacto knife and cut them out manually, leaving some of the black as a buffer. It's kind of like what Gibson does on their headstock logos, using the black epoxy adhesive to fill in an imperfect void. I also unscrewed the washers that hold the switches in place to make sure the switch sat above any poorly cut paper.
Spawn-X said:
How do you cut perfectly the cricles for switch and DEL?

I posted this on page 1 of this thread:
I had previously forwarded that picture to this woman I had met back in college that does scrapbooking now. She said those appear to be standard Avery labels and she has a tool that is kind of like a "circle knife" (if that makes sense) that you would place on top of the label, twist, and it would make the hole for the IA switch.

So if you are into scrapbooking (unlikely) or maybe know somebody who is they might have that "tool" that makes those circle cuts.
Anybody come across this stuff...or better still...tried it? It "enables" you to print using your inkjet to produce fridge magnets etc :idea: ...errr foot controller is metal... :idea: :idea:


I might order some and give it a wiz (price is tad rude...but should only need a couple of sheets max - probably get two sets out of 1 sheet)...at least then I can easily remove/change them...no tack or nut removal etc! I assume something similar is available in the US...probably cheaper too...us Brits sure get ripped on a lot of goods!!!

I could even have different ones for different types of gig...errr probably not...but if I get bored...!

Only 0.3mm thick and apparently waterproof...so no probs with split beer...or tears when my spilt beer blows my GCPro!...at least my labels will still look nice!!! :lol:

If I get some, I'll report back... ;)
Yeah, that magnetic paper won't stick to the FX1. Already tried that route. Instead I used vinyl/waterproof labels from planetlabel.com. Just printed my templates out on our inkjet printer and voila...



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