Dual Amp 'Cross Talk' Issue/Bug? [SOLVED]


I have a preset with an amp that I'm using 4 channels for (IIC++). I wanted to add a 'clean' Scene, so figured, the FM9 can do two amps, I'll add a 2nd amp block and configure it to be a JC120 and just turn it off (bypass) for my gain scenes and vice versa, bypass the IIC++ for the 'clean' Scene that uses the JC120.

After doing so, I noticed that the gain sounds from the IIC++, with the JC120 block clearly off (bypassed), to have diminished. Like a loss of gain, but oddly seemed like the harder I strummed, the more the gain dropped. Very weird. Thought at first my pickup was acting up or a loose cable. I knew something was off but couldn't figure out why. Rebooted the FM9, same thing.

Then I decided to delete the amp 2 block to try and trouble shoot, and boom, gain and tone was restored on my IIC++ scenes. Added the JC120 back in Amp 2 block, but bypassed.. Loss of gain and weird tone.

Is as if there is cross talk between amps when using 2 amp blocks and one is bypassed.

Anyone else encounter this?

PS - Out 1 is to a power amp and cab, Out 2 is to studio monitors. In case anyone wondering.

dual amp cross talk issue.jpg
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Bypass mode on each amp needs to be set to Mute instead of Thru. You're sending dry signal in parallel otherwise whenever one of the amps is *bypassed.

I would also refrain from tagging the owner of the company on a support request post, but that's just me.
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Thanks - removed tag.

Learned something - this Mute vs Thru... any other application besides an amp block where this is beneficial?
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