Drives sim request


Power User
Post here your drives sim request.

Summary of all posts :

- MI Audio Crunch Box
_ HT Dist
_ BB Preamp
_ Klon centaur
_ Zendrive
_ Durham Sex Drive
_ Durham Mucho Boosto
_ Durham Crazy Horse
_ Vox Satchurator
_ ZVex Machine
_ ZVex Woolly Mammoth
_ Zvex Fuzz Factory
_ AC Booster
_ RC Booster
_ Bixonic Expandora
_ G-2 fuzz
_ Roland Bee Baa
_ Keeley blues driver
_ Zvex fuzz factory

(can't add a poll, it's limited to 10 options)
Durham Sex Drive (with included compression algo)

Durham Mucho Boosto

Durham Crazy Horse

Vox Satchurator

ZVex Machine

ZVex Woolly Mammoth

Zvex Fuzz Factory
also , it would be great , for drive's eq section , to have possibility to select freq for low and high too...
and for mid freq , going more than 2000 khz...
just my 2 cent
stef herbuel said:
also , it would be great , for drive's eq section , to have possibility to select freq for low and high too...
and for mid freq , going more than 2000 khz...
just my 2 cent
Tiens donc, Eul' Stef est passé chez Fractal ;)...

For myself: Bixonic Expandora.
Any of the Cornish pedals. The G-2 fuzz is my fav. Smoothest, thickest,
most refined fuzz ever.

Or the Roland Bee Baa. The ultimate in evil, bassy, square wave fuzzes.
i'm kinda ignorant about drive pedals, but i'm just wondering if none of these pedals can't be closely matched already?
aleclee said:
dpeterson said:
bbpreamp .. zendrive. klon.
Why would you want to simulate a pedal that simulates a Dumble when the Dumble sim is so good?

I don't quite get the requests for clean boosts either. Stick a filter in front of the amp and its the cleanest boost you'll ever get. Its not like every pedal out there has it's own inventive circuitry, most are just variations on a few themes. You can probably find the sounds of alot of these things in the Axe already if you just ignore the brand names and really listen to the existing choices.
A "better" Tone Bender.
Yes, yes, I am aware that "better" is a relative term - it's just that the one we have doesn't resemble any Tone Bender I have ever played through.
I can only assume that Cliff's is/are quite different to all the ones I've owned or played.
I noticed alot of these pedals have schematics out there ( Not to say that most of them cant be replicated with the drives already in the axe-fx and some eq, but I would love the xotic BB and AC (RC has a very similar schematic), as well as the Zvex fuzz factory. So far i havent been able to get those sounding like the real deal from the drives available, and I have tried (maybe someone has done a better job).
Has anyone sent the schematics of those in yet? If not ill send them..just dont wont to bombard Cliff with duplicates
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