Drive block weighing me down


I went back to tweaking recently and I experimented with leaving the drive block (before the amp) off. I was using a 3-knob tube drive. When I took it off, I noticed that my sound sounded more realistic. Like an actual tube amp. I tried numerous drives and they were all worthless! I feel this shouldnt be. Especially when trying to find a roaring metal tone. Am I alone in this? Am I using drives wrong?

But I must say, this USA Ld Brt+ amp sounds awesome on its own. I cant believe I bashed it before. I don't even know what I did differently than the last times I tweaked with it.
What are your settings (drive, tone)? Is your drive at 0 or some minimum and tone cranked up like 10 or close to max.? I like 3-knob too and for my metal tone I use also T808 Mod or just Treble boost. Turning up the level is also useful on the drive block. That in front of a high gain amp just for the colour and to push the amp harder, right? I learned it recently here in this forum :)

Second problem that I've noticed was that my guitar had active pickups and there was no dynamics or this tube amp feeling. I had them changed to passive and finally had that nasty roaring metal tone. Who would have expect that...
Tube Screamer, volume cranked, gain turned down, before the Rectifier models = heaven. Also use a few fuzz drives with the Trainwrecks ...

Turn your amp master volume up ... and the gain down ... then try the pedals again.
There are ways to make them work well (as noted above).

But, I have to admit that I don't get the same sound and feel as I used to with good pedals into a tube amp, in general.
You can also try a graphic EQ in front of the amp instead of the drive pedal. You get more control and a more transparent/organic/realistic boost, in my opinion. (Plus, it uses less CPU.)
I've still personally not found any advantage to using a Drive Block over just setting up Amp Block to be a bit more driven as and when required

Of course, if you're a pedalboard user, you can have a clean amp and kick in the drive in a 'traditional' way etc, but that's not how I use my rig anyway (it's always been various presets changed by MIDI sequencer) - so am I missing out on any Drive pedal wonderfulness / characteristics, or is it essentially the same end result, but just a different way of achieving it..?
I use the t808 od in front of most my amps, I use it with drive at 0 or maybe 1. Level dimed or around 3oclock. Tone around 11. The on the drive's eq page I lower bass by a dB or so. Up the mids to 800hz and increase by 2dB and lower the treble by one dB. Thats according to taste, guitars, pickups and preset setup.
I think it works as nice transparent boost which tightens the low end and gives a little extra bite on the upper registers while maintaining clarity.
I also use the Peq block, boosting the level by around 9 to 11dB. Cutting again a bit of the bass, upping the mid curve around the 700-1000hz freqs and again cutting a bit of highs.
For live use it works as a charm, since it tames the FletcherMunson curves as you play louder.
It's a boost that emulates the Suhr Koko Boost, and I also call it the live boost for the latter reason I explained.
Again, there is also the possibility to use scene controllers, and have one amp and different drive levels in different presets. If you feel like the amp reacts better by itself, maybe thats the right way to go for you.
There are tons of ways to acquire the sound or tone you need with our mighty box of wonders.
In the Axe I use drives plus crunchy amp, and amp alone. Just like my "real" rig, I had to juggle the settings of drive amount and level with amp drive and master.
But that part went pretty quick and easy. I had a usable live preset the first day or so.

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I get a warmer tone out of just the amp now rather than have a drive behind the amp. I tried a drive in front of the amp before and it wasnt cutting the mustard. and I dont know how people get what they want out of the T808 or Treble Boost. They sound terrible on my end.
Try the Uber model and a V30 cab... you won't feel the need for a pedal... ( especially if you engage the gain switch... ) ;-)
I don't know what "roaring metal tone" is to you, since obviously everyone's tastes are different, but I have one in front of my FAS Modern and 6505 patches with gain on zero, volume on full and tone at noon and my rhythm tone sounds killer. Dunno about "realistic" but I certainly don't find it unrealistic, I just find it awesome. :p

Glad you got the tone you want though! That's what the AxeFX II is all about. :)
What I meant by "realistic" was like a tube amp is suppose to sound like. I'm still only sufficient at tweaking and training my ear to find quality outta of the Axe-Fx. Maybe those drive blocks are meant for other amp models and not the one im using.
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