Drive Block Question

What I originally had in mind and was asking about was if it's possible to have one drive block and be able to select through all 4 channels of that drive block from the Drive 1 effect on my effects page
Yes, this is possible with INC/DEC in FM9-Edit. Refer to pg 8 of the Footswitch Functions Manual for additional info.


“Inc / Dec” functions allow you to scroll through channels, stepping up or down .
Increment/Decrement – Designates the step size, whether up or down . For a switch that goes to the next channel, select +1 . For a switch that goes to the previous channel, select -1 .
Wrap – Determines whether the Channel wraps when you reach either end of the list .
Lower Limit, Upper Limit – These set the lowest and highest Channels that can be accessed using the switch, allowing you to restrict the range . If you’re using UP and DOWN channel switches, you’ll probably want to set the same limits for both .
€ The LED ring is bright when the switch is active, otherwise dim ."
What I originally had in mind and was asking about was if it's possible to have one drive block and be able to select through all 4 channels of that drive block from the Drive 1 effect on my effects page
The default layout (assuming that's what you're using) is probably set to turn Drive 1 on and off. You could change to do something else, or assign that channel switching to the Hold function.

You could change the default layout switch or (as suggested earlier) use a per-preset override.
Plz RTFM, pg 8. Either one switch that toggles sequentially through wrap, or two switches that toggle between two separate channels. One switch A/B, one switch C/D.

Personally, the A/B and C/D option works best, simply because you'd otherwise hear each drive block as it cycles through.
So what would the second switch be though? if Drive 1 has a hold function to switch A/B, what other switch can I use to switch C/D of Drive 1?
The default layout (assuming that's what you're using) is probably set to turn Drive 1 on and off. You could change to do something else, or assign that channel switching to the Hold function.

You could change the default layout switch or (as suggested earlier) use a per-preset override.
Yes, i can assign a hold function to switch between 2 channels. But i still have two channels left to be used.
Yes, this is possible with INC/DEC in FM9-Edit. Refer to pg 8 of the Footswitch Functions Manual for additional info.


“Inc / Dec” functions allow you to scroll through channels, stepping up or down .
Increment/Decrement – Designates the step size, whether up or down . For a switch that goes to the next channel, select +1 . For a switch that goes to the previous channel, select -1 .
Wrap – Determines whether the Channel wraps when you reach either end of the list .
Lower Limit, Upper Limit – These set the lowest and highest Channels that can be accessed using the switch, allowing you to restrict the range . If you’re using UP and DOWN channel switches, you’ll probably want to set the same limits for both .
€ The LED ring is bright when the switch is active, otherwise dim ."
I will def be reading the manual later tonight
Yes, i can assign a hold function to switch between 2 channels. But i still have two channels left to be used.
Please read what's been posted. Use Channel Increment. You can change between however many channels you want.

The manual explains the options.
There's no requirement for per-preset to select channels. Any switch in any layout can be edited directly.

Depending on your needs you may want to use them, but they are not "the key" ;)
Sure, you can edit the layouts to do that, but that's not really the best approach here, as that the OP asked about about doing this in with a single specific preset, not all of his presets:
In one preset of mine, my amps are set to clean or edge of breakup on all scenes. Is there a way to have one drive block, but be able to switch between all 4 channels of Drive Block 1? I want the drive turned off in all scenes so I can switch it on whenever I want. I know you can hold to switch from two channels but is there a way to access all four channels?
That said, per preset is probably the best approach for most users. Accessing all four drive block channels is just not something that most people will want/need to do most of the time, so it makes more sense to do that on a per preset basis rather than a global basis.
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Sure, you can edit the layouts to do that, but that's not really the best approach here, as that the OP asked about about doing this in with a single specific preset, not all of his presets:

That said, per preset is probably the best approach for most users. Accessing all four drive block channels is just not something that most people will want/need to do most of the time, so it makes more sense to do that on a per preset basis rather than a global basis.
Fair point... I missed that detail on first read. :)
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