Drive Block Question


Power User
In one preset of mine, my amps are set to clean or edge of breakup on all scenes. Is there a way to have one drive block, but be able to switch between all 4 channels of Drive Block 1? I want the drive turned off in all scenes so I can switch it on whenever I want. I know you can hold to switch from two channels but is there a way to access all four channels?
Why not use scenes? If you have all of your amps set to the same gain stage in every scene you can set each scene to a specific channel on the drive block.
Why not use scenes? If you have all of your amps set to the same gain stage in every scene you can set each scene to a specific channel on the drive block.
Because when I play live I don’t use all scenes. And there are different amps involved in the preset which I’m still experimenting with. I could do 2 drive blocks but it makes the preset too high of CPU. And I’m already using the input boost as the FAS boost for a clean boost. If I want to keep the drive block off until I want it on, then using scenes means I have to click into scenes, then effects, then click the drive on. A lot of clicks for me. I’d rather just pick which scene/amp I’m feeling then pull up my effects.
I don't see anyway of attaching a modifier to the channel portion of the a block to switch channels, maybe a wish list item!. Pretty sure scenes are going to be the answer, maybe use the tap and hold function on the same button to go from scenes to effects so you don't have to move your foot to a different button?
There is no way to attach modifiers to the channels.

I took a look to the footswitch guide: on page 8, you find EFFECT: CHANNEL INCREMENT/DECREMENT. This may be one option you can look for.
Yes, you can! The key to doing this is using the FC Per-Preset to set up Per-Preset switches to select channels, as shown below. I also use the Smart Bypass feature so that each channel functions like a separate pedal that you can turn on and off.

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 9.32.32 AM.png

Then, assign each Per-Preset Switch to one of the footswitches in the Overrides tab (I put mine in the effects layout, but you do you):

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 9.33.35 AM.png

I've attached a demo preset that uses my preferred approach for doing this.


  • Smart Bypass.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 1
Yes, you can! The key to doing this is using the FC Per-Preset to set up Per-Preset switches to select channels, as shown below. I also use the Smart Bypass feature so that each channel functions like a separate pedal that you can turn on and off.

View attachment 107898

Then, assign each Per-Preset Switch to one of the footswitches in the Overrides tab (I put mine in the effects layout, but you do you):

View attachment 107899

I've attached a demo preset that uses my preferred approach for doing this.
Totally forgot about this, I don't use it much I goofed with it a few months back and got busy doing other things.
Yes, you can! The key to doing this is using the FC Per-Preset to set up Per-Preset switches to select channels, as shown below. I also use the Smart Bypass feature so that each channel functions like a separate pedal that you can turn on and off.

View attachment 107898

Then, assign each Per-Preset Switch to one of the footswitches in the Overrides tab (I put mine in the effects layout, but you do you):

View attachment 107899

I've attached a demo preset that uses my preferred approach for doing this.
cool concept, but is that technically your effects page? Because then you have 4 switches taken up by different drives
Yes, you can! The key to doing this is using the FC Per-Preset to set up Per-Preset switches to select channels, as shown below. I also use the Smart Bypass feature so that each channel functions like a separate pedal that you can turn on and off.

View attachment 107898

Then, assign each Per-Preset Switch to one of the footswitches in the Overrides tab (I put mine in the effects layout, but you do you):

View attachment 107899

I've attached a demo preset that uses my preferred approach for doing this.

I like it. Has me thinking about changing the way I have my presets setup for switching. Which is one drive per amp channel plus boost and saturation, just a modified OMG9 effects layout. This setup here would be up to 7 drive options for each amp channel. That’s awesome. I haven’t used the overrides or channel switching yet so I’ll give it a try soon. Thanks for posting that.
From pg 8, Footswitch Functions Guide:


“Inc / Dec” functions allow you to scroll through channels, stepping up or down .
Increment/Decrement – Designates the step size, whether up or down . For a switch that goes to the next channel, select +1 . For a switch that goes to the previous channel, select -1 .
Wrap – Determines whether the Channel wraps when you reach either end of the list .
Lower Limit, Upper Limit – These set the lowest and highest Channels that can be accessed using the switch, allowing you to restrict the range . If you’re using UP and DOWN channel switches, you’ll probably want to set the same limits for both .
€ The LED ring is bright when the switch is active, otherwise dim ."

For INC you could have one switch that increases +1, and for DEC, a 2nd switch that decreases -1. Bank limits would be 4 with wrap, for A, B, C and D.

Or, you could use 2 switches that toggle between channels A & B, and C & D:

“Toggle” functions allow you to switch a specific effect block between two Channels. The Effect parameter selects which effect you want the switch to control . Primary Channel and Secondary Channel set the desired Channels .
€ The LED ring is bright for the Primary channel, dim for the Secondary channel, and OFF if a different channel is selected, or if the effect assigned to the switch is not contained in the current preset ."
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From pg 8, Footswitch Functions Guide:


“Inc / Dec” functions allow you to scroll through channels, stepping up or down .
Increment/Decrement – Designates the step size, whether up or down . For a switch that goes to the next channel, select +1 . For a switch that goes to the previous channel, select -1 .
Wrap – Determines whether the Channel wraps when you reach either end of the list .
Lower Limit, Upper Limit – These set the lowest and highest Channels that can be accessed using the switch, allowing you to restrict the range . If you’re using UP and DOWN channel switches, you’ll probably want to set the same limits for both .
€ The LED ring is bright when the switch is active, otherwise dim ."

For INC you could have one switch that increases +1, and for DEC, a 2nd switch that decreases -1. Bank limits would be 4 with wrap, for A, B, C and D.

Or, you could use 2 switches that toggle between channels A & B, and C & D:

“Toggle” functions allow you to switch a specific effect block between two Channels. The Effect parameter selects which effect you want the switch to control . Primary Channel and Secondary Channel set the desired Channels .
€ The LED ring is bright for the Primary channel, dim for the Secondary channel, and OFF if a different channel is selected, or if the effect assigned to the switch is not contained in the current preset ."
So I can have two of the same drive 1 block on my effects layout and use one to switch between A/B and the other C/D? Or did I misread
Yes, you can! The key to doing this is using the FC Per-Preset to set up Per-Preset switches to select channels, as shown below. I also use the Smart Bypass feature so that each channel functions like a separate pedal that you can turn on and off.

View attachment 107898

Then, assign each Per-Preset Switch to one of the footswitches in the Overrides tab (I put mine in the effects layout, but you do you):

View attachment 107899

I've attached a demo preset that uses my preferred approach for doing this.
There's no requirement for per-preset to select channels. Any switch in any layout can be edited directly.

Depending on your needs you may want to use them, but they are not "the key" ;)
So I can have two of the same drive 1 block on my effects layout and use one to switch between A/B and the other C/D? Or did I misread
You can have a single switch that will change thru channels sequentially.

You can have 2 switches that each toggle between 2 channels.

You can have 4 switches that each select a distinct channel.

What do you want to do?

I would strongly encourage you to read the Fractal Audio Footswitch Function Guide.

You have a powerful piece of equipment and learning what's possible will open a world of things to you.
You can have a single switch that will change thru channels sequentially.

You can have 2 switches that each toggle between 2 channels.

You can have 4 switches that each select a distinct channel.

What do you want to do?

I would strongly encourage you to read the Fractal Audio Footswitch Function Guide.

You have a powerful piece of equipment and learning what's possible will open a world of things to you.
What I originally had in mind and was asking about was if it's possible to have one drive block and be able to select through all 4 channels of that drive block from the Drive 1 effect on my effects page
So I can have two of the same drive 1 block on my effects layout and use one to switch between A/B and the other C/D? Or did I misread
Plz RTFM, pg 8. Either one switch that toggles sequentially through wrap, or two switches that toggle between two separate channels. One switch A/B, one switch C/D.

Personally, the A/B and C/D option works best, simply because you'd otherwise hear each drive block as it cycles through.
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