Doubler vs Enhancer

I feel like I am misunderstanding something... this Pitch Block doesn't replicate the Mimiq pedal... is there something that needs to be added to it?
When I imported the block I had to turn the mix up to 100% to get it in the ballpark of Mimiq's 1 dub mode where the left and right are distinct. I also removed the delay and all the pitch shifting from the left side so it would be the true dry signal, then just kept the right side as is on the block file. This was a decent widener but 1) I'm on FM9 with only 1 pitch block, 2) it uses a lot more DSP than the enhancer block, and 3) because of the LFOs assigned to the parameters the stereo image changes quite a bit which can be disorienting, hard to explain. I was able to reduce this by fiddling with the pitch values.

Also for extra width try running 2 slightly different amps and cabs hard panned. Much wider results than when starting with a mono dry signal. For now I'm sticking with my 2 amp+cab setup and the enhancer block on classic mode.
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When I imported the block I had to turn the mix up to 100% to get it in the ballpark of Mimiq's 1 dub mode where the left and right are distinct. I also removed the delay and all the pitch shifting from the left side so it would be the true dry signal, then just kept the right side as is on the block file. This was a decent widener but 1) I'm on FM9 with only 1 pitch block, 2) it uses a lot more DSP than the enhancer block, and 3) because of the LFOs assigned to the parameters the stereo image changes quite a bit which can be disorienting, hard to explain. I was able to reduce this by fiddling with the pitch values.

Also for extra width try running 2 slightly different amps and cabs hard panned. Much wider results than when starting with a mono dry signal. For now I'm sticking with my 2 amp+cab setup and the enhancer block on classic mode.
All very good tweaks. But that doesn’t reproduce what the Mimiq pedal does.
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