Does the Axe-Fx provide quality DI for direct guitar recording to be re-amped later


Basically the title says it all. I am asking this question in relation to say using a DI like the Radial JDI which seems to be so popular.

I am about to record a significant amount of guitar tracks and I dont have access to a JDI at the moment to compare. Being that I am taking this recording seriously, I am willing to hold out and either rent or buy the JDI if it makes that much of a difference. Could anyone with any experience chime in and help me out?! Thanks in advance!
Dont mean to be rude man but I dont think you read my question. I am not asking HOW to set up the Axe for DI recording, I know how to do that. What I am asking is for those who perhaps have owned some higher quality DI boxes (ie Radial JDI), did they prefer the sound of the DI, the Axe or does either one sound good for professional applications, when the end goal is to ultimately reamp?
actually both, its for a metal project where I plan to quad track guitars, so obviously tightness of guitar tracks will be a necessity. My intent is to use my ENGL amp as the more forward tone panned left and right, and perhaps a couple tracks through the axe-fx for variety and to sit a little more in the background. Of course any of these decisions wont actually be made til I hear how it turns out.
For reamping I have used the Axe alone, the JDI, Proco, and Countryman boxes as well as the Uptown Great Divide. I find the end result is vastly superior using the Axe alone. The output of the JDI, etc. all require a mic pre to get a decent level for recording and/or your doing some kind of level/impedance monkey business somewhere. The boxes impart a tone and feel of their own too - and then there's that pre...

I like reamping exclusively within the Axe mainly because (IMO) it offers so many 'more correct' options and the ability to use less gear to get the job done is just one of them. The way I do it allows you to still send the output to an external amp/whatever if you wish as well. For those that haven't reamped it goes like this: Place a FX send in the first block position and a FX return in the second block and loop those to and from your recorder. When you play back the recorded track it automatically drives whatever is downstream of the FX return. You should not be able to discern the difference between live and playback - levels and all. That won't happen with anybody’s DI. Now you can feed two amps within the Axe and there won't be any phase/delay issues to deal with later caused by mixing with an external chain that used a mic. You won't have to order up some Little Labs IBP's for the fix either. No reason to stop at two amps and everything will stay tight regardless of the number of tracks too.

I've found more advantages to staying inside the Axe as well. One thing I don't like about external reamping is that many times the newfangled tone you want to use doesn't fit the playing nuances of the DI track and there isn't much you can do about it. Keeping it within the Axe, you have many options to drive the different tone in a manner that more fits the touch you would have otherwise imparted - like Damp/Sag/Bias...list goes on. You can't get at that stuff in an amp.

For those that don't need a real headache keep the reamping thing analog. You can't go digital and do it in this manner anyway and it doesn’t sound (imo) any better. If your recorder has too much latency noticed when monitoring while going though the serial FX loop, just monitor the Axe with the loop configured such that the recorder is being fed but doesn't return its output until playback. It's not as handy though and may require you to slip the track(s) later on.

Hope this helps - if not at least it might get ya thinkin...
Dude that more than helps and is definitely, greatly appreciated! I was hoping for an answer from someone who had the hands-on experience and even beyond that couls share some knowledge from various scenarios! As mentioned above I will start my first approach using the 1st and 2nd outs on the axefx, one with an amp sim for reference, and the other the dry DI. I just bought a used x-amp which I have yet to receive, hence why I was hoping to get started before I receive it to get a jump on things.

I agree with reamping analogue, I have already read tons of negative statements about trying to keep it digital, plus im using a Rosetta 800 so I should be covered.

Widrace, with the times you have attempted to use a real amp did you have a re-amping tool such as an x-amp or likewise?
I tested this as well.

I use a Groove Tubes ViPre into an Apogee Rosetta 800 direct to Logic or Protools.
Then used the Axe FX into the same Apogee Rosetta.

Going through the ViPre gave me better tone- more full, better top end and upper mids, tighter bottom end.
There wasn't a huge amount in it though- I would be ok with using the Axe FX if I had to but really I would prefer to use the ViPre.
The ViPre is a serious bit of kit.
The only preamp I own is a Great River MP1NV, I know it has the hi-z DI input on the front, but as mentioned before some state it colours the original tone of the guitar for the worse (in a reamp scenario) - I would try it out but I dont have the x-amp in my possession to try it out.
Using a CAL MW-1 Studio Tool through a SCA API clone pre... sweet!! The MW-1 is such a great combination with the Axe-FX; perfect DI and reamp box all in one, and it's fun to play with impedance!
Widrace, with the times you have attempted to use a real amp did you have a re-amping tool such as an x-amp or likewise?
I wouldn't call it a DI, but for driving amps I use a Millennia TD-1. Never tried an X-Amp for this. I'm willing to bet a beer you will be satisfied with the JDI/X-amp combo. Same goes for an Axe DI/X-amp set-up. Your Great River unit is nice piece to use when you’re going for the 1073 thing. Gotta love a big-ole transformer...
I wouldn't call it a DI, but for driving amps I use a Millennia TD-1. Never tried an X-Amp for this. I'm willing to bet a beer you will be satisfied with the JDI/X-amp combo. Same goes for an Axe DI/X-amp set-up. Your Great River unit is nice piece to use when you’re going for the 1073 thing. Gotta love a big-ole transformer...
Hm. I own and love the Millennia TD-1 as well. It actually IS a DI! I also use it to drive my amps, sometimes!
Can you select the SPDIF input as your fx return source in the AxeFX fx send block or does it have to be the analog return in?

I'm awaiting the arrival of mine and trying to pre-plan how to set it up for re-amping.

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