Does OUTPUT 2 need to be setup different than OUTPUT 1? I can't hear anything. :)


Power User
I had one XLR cord hooked into the OUTPUT 1 XLR jack and another XLR cord hooked into the OUTPUT 2 XLR jack, both going into my Matrix GT1000FX. When I plugged 1/4 cords into the OUTPUT 2 jacks, I didn't hear anything coming thru my speakers (I think I was able to get one side to work once but can't remember). Is there some trick to using these or something I need to turn on in the AxeFX-II?

Regardless, I'm very happy with what the XLRs out of OUTPUT 1 are giving me. I'm trying to go FRFR into one cab and traditional into the other cab so trying to utilize the "trick" where you put an FX Loop block in-between the AMP and CAB blocks.
there is no XLR jack for Output 2.

Out 2 works two different ways:

Out 2 is the Axe's FX Loop out. So there has to be an FX loop block in the Preset Layout. Anything before that block will be sent to Output 2. Anything after will not be heard from Out 2.

Out 2 also works if you set Copy Out 1 to Out 2 to On (latest firmware says Output 2 Echo, set it to Output 1) - this is in the I/O menu. This means anything sent to Out 1 will also be sent to Out 2, an exact duplicate signal. You do not use an FX Loop block in the layout for this to happen.

FX Loop in a preset always over rides the Copy/Echo function.

I see that you have put an FX Loop block between the Amp and Cab blocks. Have you turned the Output 2 volume knob up on the Front Panel?
That was my first thought, because I experienced the same issue when using my Hog 2 in the loop. I forgot I needed to turn up the output 2 on the front panel.
I am having the same issue. I believe I have the correct settings in the I/O menu - Output 2 Echo, set to Output 1 and everything else is default (at least I have not messed with anything else). I'm on v12.03. The volume on output 2 is up too. I'm sure I am overlooking something obvious...

I am having the same issue. I believe I have the correct settings in the I/O menu - Output 2 Echo, set to Output 1 and everything else is default (at least I have not messed with anything else). I'm on v12.03. The volume on output 2 is up too. I'm sure I am overlooking something obvious...


In the Utility menu there is a page with meters - does the out 2 meter show the same reading as Out 1 when you play?

Do you have an FX loop block in your preset? That would over ride the Echo function.
Thanks for your help! I have "guitar only" coming from Out 2 but have both guitar and my backing track playing through Out 1. Everything worked together before 12.03, so I am sure a default or something changed - I'm just not finding it.

P.S. I do not have a FX loop in my patch.
oh you didn't mention a backing track before, assumed you were talking about zero output from Out 2.

is your backing track coming from USB? i'm pretty sure USB audio only comes from Out 1 and will not be echoed to out 2 even with that setting on.

i think it's always been like that?
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