Does FAS have any plans on making a newer MCF pedal in the future?


The reason why I ask this question is I'm going to order the MFC-101 pedal in about a month or two and with my luck FAS will release a new MFC shortly after.
The reason why I ask this question is I'm going to order the MFC-101 pedal in about a month or two and with my luck FAS will release a new MFC shortly after.

No one knows but Fractal, but I'd be very surprised to see them do that, I just picked up mine recently, don't really see anything missing on it, it's a very nice controller, the only thing I can see improved in a future newer version would be a different type of connector instead of the Ethernet one, it works fine, but for very heavy use onstage with the half stoned careless stage help, i'd feel better with a stronger connector, ethernet seems a bit too delicate, but work fine.
Are they working on one? I'd say most likely. You'll know when it's coming when they stop stocking the store with them for a few months
My guess is they'd be more likely to focus on a downsized Axe Fx than a slightly up or down-sized MFC. Maybe a single space unit with the quality sounds and FX, but not so much control. That would be popular.

With FAMC ready to release their monster-sized Pro+, I would make the guess they will leave the few who need more switches to head that direction than to just make the MFC bigger. The MFC-II-01 is likely to be something that would represent a real change in capability beyond what can be done with firmware, etc. Of course, all that's only a guess... FAS probably has quite a few surprises in R&D.
The problem as I see it is, how are you going to power and communicate with the expander with only one ethernet port on the MFC101?
Back to the original 7-pin (phantom power) midi source or 5-pin w/ power module connected to MFC.
Both could work. Seem like a hassle though. I thought the whole point of the ethernet ports was to avoid all externel power supplies?
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