Does anyone use Matrix GT800FX -> EVM12L's with CABS ON ???


Just wondering if anyone has gone down the route of :-

AXE FX II -> Matrix GT800FX -> EVM12L's running with CAB SIMS on ?

If so did you make any Global EQ changes to OUT1 or OUT2 to compensate the boominess caused by this setup.
I find the Clean sounds are great this way, but the driven sounds not so great.

I find the cab sims have a great impact on sound athenticity as intended of course :D
I tried but it took a lot of EQ to get them to sounds good. I found cabs off worked much better. You really need a FRFR speaker to do the cabs sims justice.
Ultra ....Matrix....2x12Ls in open backed boxes. I had these made to the same dimensions as the Mesa extension cabs.

So far I've prefered all the amp models with cabs on. Whenever I take them off I get that horrid gritty sound.

Took my new rig for it's first band jam on the weekend and I'm quite pleased. I've wound off the 4 and 8k faders a little and given it a slight mid range bump but apart from that nothing else global.

Blues: Ibanez LR-10 with Antiquity pups. The Dumble, Holdsworth patches came up really well, as did the Blackface warm lead patches I've picked up from this site. The "Buttery" amp model came up quite well too. The USA clean model work well too

Rock: Strat with Area 58, 58, 61. The timmons lead patch, Pushed, and EJ patches came up well

I do find you have to build your patch not just for the the guitar but also for front and back pups as well, to get the best out the AXe. Patches built for the back pup will usually work with the front if you don't have too much bass wound on.

The weekend jam was git, drums and bass. I'm looking for another guitarist to see how my patches work in a 2 guitar context. Got an Ibanez super strat with Duncans and an Ibanez AR-300 with Gibson 57s to try next jam.

So far so good. I'm working on amp sounds at the moment, when I get these sorted I'll work on FOH; however the same patches sent to out 1 into my 15" Tannoy studio monitors sound good at home. I'll be testing FOH next jam as well.
The first months after getting my GT800FX and EVM-cabs I drifted between Cabs On and Cabs Off.

I favored Cabs On for some time, because it improved the tone at low volume. The EVMs do sound gritty and lifeless at low (home) volume. Enabling cab simul. adds a lot of low end and character to the quite hifi EVMs.
However, at performance volume level Cabs On made the tone very mushy, and required major tweaking.

So I finally settled on Cabs Off, knowing and accepting that the tone at low volume isn't the same as at performance level. I use studio monitors at home anyway.
Also, I can attest that not using Cab sims for room amplification simplifies things a lot and improves consistency!

This is not a plea against EVMs BTW. I love 'm. At proper volume these things roar!
Also, allow them to burn in. Takes some time.

Former forum member Smilefan always used his EVMs with Cabs On, but he had custom-made open-back Pine cabs.
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AxefxII-Matrix Gt800fx-2 1x12 v30 Custom audio.
And cab sim is on for best result here.
Also started with getting the best clean sound, in fact my dirty sound is a clean amp with a drive pedal in front.
Have to do some more tweaking to see if the mesa high gain stuff will shine as well :)
Ultra>GT800FX OUT A 4X12 MARSHALL 1960
Running both at 4 ohms. CABS Sims off. As yek said.. at gig levels (my bands generally 2 git, drums, bass, keys) CABS on just made it too woolly and muffled... having said that some CABS on the clean sounds made for interesting tone qualities.
Cheers guys,

that's great information. I too love the EVM's the sheer cutting power and quality at high volumes is unsurpassed. I have 2 old ones (well worn in) and 2 recent recones and can concur the new recones sound very harsh at the beginning but are starting to mellow now, however they have to be driven hard to mellow them.

BTW my cabs are closed back Thiele Mesa 1x12's

Think I will persevere with cabs off I think until I get my true sound sorted, then maybe use cabs for clean sounds that breath better, I do recall having a "damping" switch on the back of my old Marshall 30th Anniversary series head (6100LM) which gave better sounds for clean when off, and tighter sounds for driven sounds when on. I guess this is the same as used in the Amp Block ?

gotta get me some studio monitors then for home, any recommendations ?

Cheers again
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Lots of studio monitors out there. Many (and I) like the Adams.
Just wondering if anyone has gone down the route of :-

AXE FX II -> Matrix GT800FX -> EVM12L's running with CAB SIMS on ?

If so did you make any Global EQ changes to OUT1 or OUT2 to compensate the boominess caused by this setup.
I find the Clean sounds are great this way, but the driven sounds not so great.

I find the cab sims have a great impact on sound athenticity as intended of course :D

I don't get any boominess with my open back 1x12's. I heard the Thiele cabs can be a source of boominess. Just a thought.
Former forum member Smilefan always used his EVMs with Cabs On, but he had custom-made open-back Pine cabs.

I have those same custom made cabs with the EVM's and they are unbelievable. I have an extra pair as well if anyone is interested in purchasing them.
Hmmm, maybe I should try my vertical 2x12 Mesa cab with my setup, that's half open half closed.

It's currently got Mesa BlackShadows Celestion C90's but I could put my 2 spare EVMs back in it. Or try a combo of both, EVM in closed section C90 in open.
Well there's my homework for the weekend sorted !
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