Do you download from Axe Change?


How many folks have had luck with good patches on axe change? Seems like I rarely find a patch that sounds great or blows my mind.
I downloaded a couple that became the base of my goto-presets. Don't forget that most presets on AxeChange were made for older f/w versions.
I've tried a few but most didnt work for me. A couple have though. I don't go there much. I agree that the older firmware patches just seem outdated.
I downloaded a couple. Different guitars, playing styles, etc, make them mostly not work for me. I have far better luck and way more fun building my own.
great way to learn! see how others build up stuff then tweak and play with em until you get comfortable.
I agree it's more a way to learn than to get something you can use. I have downloaded presets from Axe Change and from some of the commercial sellers. I don't think I included any of them in the banks I use for gigs though. (Now being a fallible human, it may be that after I tweaked one thing and renamed it, I remembered it as my own.)
Never was blown away by the preset but there were sometimes great efx settings i would use in my own presets.
I think this is like plugging into an non modelling guitar rig of another guitarist. I was never happy with that either and had to tweak around with what they've got. This might by totally normal
Some are good -- or are at least good for learning about how other people route their presets or use effects. I think I've found more usable presets on the forums though.

The thing that stops me from uploading presets to Axe Change is that all of my presets use third party IRs and that's a big no-no to share those.
I'm more in the learning camp... either cool tricks that people come up with, or how to get a particular sound for a song that I couldn't figure out.
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