Do the 6.0 factory presets sound bad to anyone else?

Same problem I still haven't solved using any amp model with higher gain.

Have you tried messing with the definition parameter? I only mention it b/c I was reading about how it works in another thread. Based on the description of what it does, I thought--maybe--it could get you where you want to be.
I don't think the factory presets sound bad, but I don't gush over them like many others either. However, I also don't actually use any of the stock presets, so it really doesn't matter much to me either way.
I just upgraded and had the bassy/fizzy sounds. The first time I uploaded the FW6 presets I didn't see activity on the midi lights or the progress bar in Axe Edit.

Restart the Axe and your pc then re-load the factory presets and make sure the progress bar at the bottom of Axe Edit shows it's updating the Axe, make sure the midi lights on the Axe light up too.
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Have you tried messing with the definition parameter? I only mention it b/c I was reading about how it works in another thread. Based on the description of what it does, I thought--maybe--it could get you where you want to be.

I've tried everything, I thought I was on the right track but then just couldn't get it to disappear. I've only been able to muffle the fizz/buzz but it is always there in most of the high gain amps. I don't use any of the presets for anything but i have scrolled trough them trying to find a non fizzy high gain one and couldn't.
What´s the preset for

Well , It´s depends .

I made a JCM preset listening through my two real cabs. 4-12 Mesa stiletto and a 2-12-fender with 2-12-65-s. I tweaked untill both cabs sounded reasonable together . Then I went to rehearse with the band and I borrowed another cab (4-12-mixed g12-m and fane-legends) . The sound didn´t work all the way for me to the music .
Then for some cooler songs ,I tried the plexi normal preset , wich I never liked at home. It sounded real great with the band . In fact I was surprised that it was so inspiring to play. I usually never play with poweramp-distortion with my band (I would probably not have a band for long if I did ). But now I can play with that kind of distortion going on.

So maybe we have to try it in the right environment before we know how great it will work.

I see lots of recordings on this forum . Most of them played by itself. I can´t say much about them until I hear the sounds in the music.
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