Do I need a power amp/speaker behind me??


So I play in a Classic rock band and will be running the axe through the FOH (2 JBL Eons). I will also send my guitar through the stage monitors. Why do I need anything else??


rondamato said:
So I play in a Classic rock band and will be running the axe through the FOH (2 JBL Eons). I will also send my guitar through the stage monitors. Why do I need anything else??



You don't... unless your drummer hits like he's playing the LA Forum then you will just need a monitor that can get over your drummer and nothing more.
If you are on a stage where people will be up against it, and they won't be able to hear the FOH Eons...then a speaker behind you on stage helps. Otherwise they will not hear you....just stage volume drums and bass.
I think it adds a little more depth to the overall sound. That and if you ever play out door gigs it will certainly help. Not a must but I prefer it and we have a really large PA that has tons of power with subs too. Either way will be great....but I think if you are use to behind volume you will miss it.
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