Very good, nice tones, good drumming, good riffs, great attention to detail in the production and as someone else said, I look forward to future clips.
What do you think about the latest mix/master?

I think that I should filter some mids on guitars, when I arrive at home I will do it!
Cool riffs and song!
Production sounds killer too.
The guitar sound works great but is not my cup of tea. I like the darker life'ier sound of Mesa's but that is just taste ;)
Thanks man!
I've used Drumagog and then I've exported the tracks. I work with WAV files, because SD 2.0 uses a lot of RAM while mixing
Nice. I haven't done so hot using wav myself dude. I just need more experience with it. I actually use the superior mixer since apparently my computer can handle it ...thank God:) But I do have a ton of really great samples including the ones used on Periphery II. So i'm thinking of getting Trigger or Drumagog and trying something new with blending and junk. Sounds good tho brah. I look forward to hearing more stuff from you
Well I won't name drop...but my friend and I purchased them from the dude who mixed the drums for the album. (shhhhh!) But of course they are raw. And I suck with samples so I can't get them to sound like I want...
I think the second mix is bad ass. Much richer and outward sounding, and totally made it work. Sounds like you listened to Clark Kent. Did you add mids?

The video rendition is a close second.
Weell, I think it's good. You have three great choices. But I still like 'em in this order: mix 2, video, last mix above.

And yeah, what did you change between 'em? Come on, state secrets or no, we need to know!
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