djent tone?

Wow... there are many options. Do you think this sounds close?

That's my solo project and it's FAS Modern with Full OD, compression and Redwirez IRs. Bulb has used FAS Modern and German 4x12 cab on his demo versions at least. That should be the easiest way to get there.

Remember low cut with those tones.
Clark Kent said:
Wow... there are many options. Do you think this sounds close?

That's my solo project and it's FAS Modern with Full OD, compression and Redwirez IRs. Bulb has used FAS Modern and German 4x12 cab on his demo versions at least. That should be the easiest way to get there.

Remember low cut with those tones.

Yea, I like that, and it'll be a good starting point for me to work from as well (new to axe). What are redwirez IRs? and what drives/compression levels or other effects do you use and how are they linked? and what do you do for the clean tone?
Well Redwirez IRs = "impulse responses". It means that you can use them as cabinets in your user slots. Many people here use them but you'll be fine with the stock cabs too.

Compression and a drive pedal are not a must. It won't be as dynamic as some would like after having those in front of the amp. Anyways I had a pedal compression with stock settings (didn't change them), Drive block with Full OD: drive at 0 and level full. FAS Modern amp block with drive at 5 and depth 0. The EQ is up to you. You don't need a lot of middle after the compressor and overdrive.

Then you can use the German 4x12 cab.
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