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Djent preset work in progress


Hi guys, I'm currently working on a preset perfect for the Djent loving Axe FX 2 users.
I haven't been able to find a preset that really has that "djently" feeling to it.
I'm a perfectionist so that means this will perhaps take a week. I have to take a listen to it every day with "fresh" ears.
I thought it might be fun to do a thread about the work in progress. So this is not a preset thread, but a recording thread :p
When I'm done, I'll upload the Preset to the proper forum room.
So far this is version one:

Feedback is welcome!
Don't really got any constructive feedback other then it sounds really nice :D
Would love to get the preset when your done with it.
good job, big sound

a big part of djent is in the playing and in the mix also i'd say.

you got it right!

Thanks guys, I should probably mention that the guitar is quad tracked. So four guitar tracks.
I'm not a bass player, I tried to record the bass track as well, but as you can hear. It's poorly done :S
Sounds awesome! How do you go about quad tracking? Do you use the same settings with a different impulse on the left channel?
Hi Spazi, I would dial in some more prescence for more bite,punch and attack. What i've found is that it's midheavy and not as much low end as one might think.
I found this to be a good pointer towards that kind of sound, and I've got the same guitar :p:
What Is Djent? - YouTube
So what's key is the palm mute hand placement, that powerchord with a 5th on top, erhm yeah I suppose you know what djent is, heh.
But even tho watch the video. Misha Mansoor sure sound good to me tough:
Misha Mansoor: The Djent Set #5 (Part 1) - YouTube
What I find in the last video to be different is more openness, definition going on.
Maybe some more uppermids, I don't know :p Sounds good tough! I would just get something more going on in the top end, more prescense than treble tough, tough tough :p It could also be because of the bassguitar is a bit dominating, maybe some of the guitarsound is there but hard to hear because of that. Just my 5 cents, pennie, coin or what it's called. Money? yeah money, that's it. that's just my money :p
That's.. That's my economic contribution, and now you are suppose to feel, erhm rich? In terms of money, like, do you take paypal?
WTF is this? What I meant to say, that's just my opinion :D
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Sounds awesome! How do you go about quad tracking? Do you use the same settings with a different impulse on the left channel?

No I actually just use the exact same preset.
I know a lot of people use a different cab or amp. And that's cool, but I do it like this :)
Cobrango, Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. Very nice read!
And the links are very cool, I'll check them out for sure!
I think it's very cool that this preset will be made with the feedback of Axe FX 2 users. Might get really good!
Cobrango, Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. Very nice read!
And the links are very cool, I'll check them out for sure!
How can you think cool of the links if you have not checked them out? Oh! i'm being silly here, you like the blue color of them, I like blue too! Lets buy a boat together. Anyone? Or someone with a boat? (it's best if you like blue too) i'm so excited! The biggest whale is the bluewhale, and it's in the ocean too! I'll bring an acoustic so we can jam on some blues, maybe it attracts them? I don't know.
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Coz I checked them, but didn't watch the whole way through coz I had visitors and we watched a movie.
You silly silly man!

I like whales though...
Coz I checked them, but didn't watch the whole way through coz I had visitors and we watched a movie.
You silly silly man!

I like whales though...

I know dude I was just teasing you :mrgreen Because I know how much you like boats, the ocean and whales, it's ok! Perfectly normal. We all have our things you know.
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